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Jan 31, 2025, 16:10
removed Jan 31, 2025, 16:10
Jan 31, 2025, 16:10

This comment was deleted on Jan 31, 2025, 17:45. Reason: Cleanup
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 31, 2025, 04:59
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 31, 2025, 04:59
Jan 31, 2025, 04:59
Okay, so they might all be certifiable, but damn Trump, Putin, and Kim sure can rock out.

"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 31, 2025, 00:00
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 31, 2025, 00:00
Jan 31, 2025, 00:00
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 23:33:
BigVlad wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 15:47:
Yea, the right is already blaming the incident on "the blacks". It's going to be their go-to scapegoat for everything over the next 4 years. Black people, immigrants, and the transes. Hopefully a proper investigation can be done, without too much meddling from the administration.
If you have two people who are equally qualified for a job, one white and one black, why is it wrong to hire the black person? It's not like being black trumps any qualifications you might have, though that's what the right is convinced is happening.

This comment was edited on Jan 31, 2025, 08:50.
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Jan 30, 2025, 23:42
removed Jan 30, 2025, 23:42
Jan 30, 2025, 23:42

This comment was deleted on Jan 31, 2025, 08:48. Reason: Cleanup
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Jan 30, 2025, 23:33
removed Jan 30, 2025, 23:33
Jan 30, 2025, 23:33

This comment was deleted on Jan 31, 2025, 08:48. Reason: Wokeness derangement syndrome
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 18:49
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 18:49
Jan 30, 2025, 18:49
My cat keeped getting into fights, so I got him three ferial Pitbull's. Nobody fucks with him now...

Really my house came with a free cat, so that's how I got a cat, and I got three boxers, all puppies from the same litter. I would recommend that you never do that, it's kinda a bad ideal. They all turn nine next month and are scared of the cat, he runs shit around here. Anywho I love those fuckers, they're the best, if any of them needed a heart transplant I wouldn't hesitate to donate my own heart to save them.
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 17:53
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 17:53
Jan 30, 2025, 17:53
I have my two dogs and I legitimately do not have a favorite. They both are their own persons and I love them equally for whom they are, individually. My eldest dog is calm, quiet, and always ready to be at my side. My youngest pup is rambunctious, loud (as hounds are), and wants to investigate everything and know everything. When it comes time for pets, both crawl up on me at my invitation. Which, if you're counting at home, is more than a hundred pounds of dog at one time. But I have two hands and they both get petted at the same time for the same amount of time. They get fed together and they get their treats together.

During the day, the youngest gets more attention because she is on a training schedule. My eldest already knows the routine so follows along as both a reference for the youngest and because she likes the structure. So, to her, she is getting the same amount of time because she is as equally praised and rewarded as the youngest.

Though I can see they are already forming a team. The youngest is "I will track anything...forever" and the eldest is "I will follow and then kill it if I deem it to be a threat." It's a good combo.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 17:08
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 17:08
Jan 30, 2025, 17:08
BigVlad wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 15:47:
Yea, the right is already blaming the incident on "the blacks". It's going to be their go-to scapegoat for everything over the next 4 years. Black people, immigrants, and the transes. Hopefully a proper investigation can be done, without too much meddling from the administration.
More on the topic from a former Air Force pilot who flew the F-15E "Strike Eagle" and now flies for a major US airline.
Pilot Debrief https://youtu.be/RzQe6W7vcu4?si=rDLyjLx05D9bq3NJ

Blancolirio just dropped another https://youtu.be/_3gD_lnBNu0?si=jgKT_OBNx4H80pE6
The Blackhawk was on a published helicopter route, max altitude in that stretch 200', which they exceeded by 100ft. The helicopter pilots using night vision goggles couldn't help.

This comment was edited on Jan 30, 2025, 17:50.
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 16:00
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 16:00
Jan 30, 2025, 16:00
Xero wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 15:45:
Concerning the favorite child article, I don't have kids, but I have two kittens (they're about 8 months old each now). We got the second one a little more than a month after the first one. We immediately fell in love with the second ones personality and unfortunately, we both admitted, we're almost neglective on how we behave around the first kitten. The first kitten being more shy and less interactive with us. The second always coming around, following us, rubbing us (obviously he wants treats) and showed up with super confidence in his personality. Total opposite of the first that would rather hide under everything possible and wait and watch before coming back out.

No, it's the same with mine. I love them all but Rigel is my favorite as he's the most fun and snuggly of the bunch. I love the others too, just in different ways for different reasons. I didn't really think Comet and I would ever truly get on but we've gotten very close. I thought he was aloof and cold but it turns out he's a rather sensitive little guy. He always sleeps with me which is sweet. And Astra is the classic curious cat who follows me around and wants to check out everything I do, and she's pretty and cuddly like her mama. And their mom is still my number one mama-san. I wubs mah cats, all in different ways. And this from a person who never even would have considered adopting a cat prior to them showing up in my life.

“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 15:53
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 15:53
Jan 30, 2025, 15:53
One thing I really liked about the new Bond series with DC is how they showed just what a lush Bond is. Yeah, he gets the job done then promptly crawls inside a bottle. I love that scene where he asks the barman for a vodka martini and the barman asks, "Shaken or stirred", and he replies, "Do I look like I give a damn?", it was all, 'just give me the goddamned booze'.

Well it certainly looks like a Van Gogh, the impasto technique is spot on, but if experts already rejected it once than I seriously doubt its the real deal. There's zero shortage of great art forgeries out there. And I don't understand how they can say this was "found" at a garage sale when it was already submitted to the VGM for provenance and rejected. If they already said no, that's the end of that.

Well of course we have favorites. I always thought it was dishonest of parents when they lied 'I love you all the same.' And when kids know you're lying it has negative consequences. Far better I think to just be honest and say something to the effect of, 'I love all of you in different ways.'
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 15:47
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 15:47
Jan 30, 2025, 15:47
Yea, the right is already blaming the incident on "the blacks". It's going to be their go-to scapegoat for everything over the next 4 years. Black people, immigrants, and the transes. Hopefully a proper investigation can be done, without too much meddling from the administration.
Avatar 58173
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 15:45
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 15:45
Jan 30, 2025, 15:45
Concerning the favorite child article, I don't have kids, but I have two kittens (they're about 8 months old each now). We got the second one a little more than a month after the first one. We immediately fell in love with the second ones personality and unfortunately, we both admitted, we're almost neglective on how we behave around the first kitten. The first kitten being more shy and less interactive with us. The second always coming around, following us, rubbing us (obviously he wants treats) and showed up with super confidence in his personality. Total opposite of the first that would rather hide under everything possible and wait and watch before coming back out.

I'd imagine this applies with children as well. I sure as hell know my father favorited my sister and that was because she was always around him more so (and sucked up to him, lol). I was naturally shy growing up and didn't speak up often. I think my father resented that and would have preferred having a loud mouthed son that he could talk loud with and carry on conversations with. We always had a cold relationship as I grew up and was around him in the house. This does stay in the back of my head and try think about it when I realize I'm paying less attention to the first kitten. I'll try to grab him or play with him just to show I don't want to completely let him feel we're giving more attention to the other guy.
Avatar 16605
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 15:30
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 15:30
Jan 30, 2025, 15:30
Mr. Tact wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 14:36:
Just saw an update saying the plane was asked to change runways late in its approach. To a cross runway, something apparently the FAA has been working to eliminate at airports.
Please watch the Blancolirio video i posted yesterday. He is cleared for "Runway 1 - circle to land on Runway 33", this is standard for this airport.
Here it is again. https://youtu.be/ouDAnO8eMf8?si=N3FbmK-MLHHdkcV-
It was not the cause of the crash.
Jivaro wrote on Jan 30, 2025, 15:10:
There will be all sorts of finger pointing I am sure, but the one thing that seems to be consistent to me across all of the reporting is just how much flight traffic is going through there at any given time. That has already been a debate point in the past, obviously it will be again.
A man in the oval office gave a press conference and has already blamed it on DEI. What more fingerpointing can you ask for.
The helo hit the plane. Not the other way around. The cause will be pilot disorientation. just my 2¢.
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 15:10
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 15:10
Jan 30, 2025, 15:10
There will be all sorts of finger pointing I am sure, but the one thing that seems to be consistent to me across all of the reporting is just how much flight traffic is going through there at any given time. That has already been a debate point in the past, obviously it will be again.
Avatar 55841
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 14:36
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 14:36
Jan 30, 2025, 14:36
Just saw an update saying the plane was asked to change runways late in its approach. To a cross runway, something apparently the FAA has been working to eliminate at airports.
“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” -- Carl Sagan
Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 13:34
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 13:34
Jan 30, 2025, 13:34
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
"TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC" all about TCAS explained by CAPTAIN JOE
When TCAS tells you to climb but the air traffic controller tells you to descend, you should climb.

The aircraft involved in the Washington DC crash would have only received a Traffic warning and not a climb/descend directive as they were under 1000 feet.

The three servicemen involved were a “fairly experienced crew” and were doing an annual night proficiency training flight according to a government official who was not given a breathalyzer.

This comment was edited on Jan 30, 2025, 13:58.
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Re: OotB: Yikes
Jan 30, 2025, 12:14
Re: OotB: Yikes Jan 30, 2025, 12:14
Jan 30, 2025, 12:14
Here's another skateboarding Corgi, this one might be human. https://youtu.be/YDbKXNotleM?si=PqgWYIbZiFV-jABg
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