Out of the Blue

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

Dream Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.




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24 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 14:21
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 14:21
Jan 21, 2025, 14:21
Sorry, better not.

This comment was edited on Feb 3, 2025, 22:44.
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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 13:00
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 13:00
Jan 21, 2025, 13:00
El Pit wrote on Jan 21, 2025, 12:48:
Nerian, making war for peace is about as intelligent as making sex to save virginity. Becoming a monster while trying to kill a monster will result in you being a monster other will try to kill. Rinse and repeat - it would be a vicious circle of human history and would only escalate but not result in peace.

Do you know how Gandhi won? Hint: not by war. It works. Strike, civil resistance, simple refusal to work is a MIGHTY peaceful weapon especially in the western world and has changed life for many very often. You do not need guns for this - you need just many people to stand up (or sit down) and protest peacefully. Wild West shootouts don't change the world.

Billionaires don't do the jobs, workers do. Without the workers, no more billions. And then we would see...
Albert Einstein: 'You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.'
That’ll make a person think.
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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 12:48
El Pit
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 12:48
Jan 21, 2025, 12:48
 El Pit
Nerian, making war for peace is about as intelligent as making sex to save virginity. Becoming a monster while trying to kill a monster will result in you being a monster other will try to kill. Rinse and repeat - it would be a vicious circle of human history and would only escalate but not result in peace.

Do you know how Gandhi won? Hint: not by war. It works. Strike, civil resistance, simple refusal to work is a MIGHTY peaceful weapon especially in the western world and has changed life for many very often. You do not need guns for this - you need just many people to stand up (or sit down) and protest peacefully. Wild West shootouts don't change the world.

Billionaires don't do the jobs, workers do. Without the workers, no more billions. And then we would see...
In the current political and social climate, don't be an aggressive monkey . Show that you have evolved that important thin sugar coating called civilization. Don't fall for the fools.
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 12:42
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 12:42
Jan 21, 2025, 12:42
Nerian wrote on Jan 21, 2025, 11:24:
Civil war should've been …
I’d love to know how you think a Civil War would pan out. Who would be fighting who. What states would break off from the Union and why. Would it be dems against repubs, atheists against believers, rich against poor, tomato likers versus tomato haters (tomato likers would obviously win this one, hands down. But the others are a tossup. You willing to live with that.)

Maybe you watched the Civil War movie and said “hell yeah.” Failing to realize that the end of the movie was not the end of the war. Nor did we see the battles across the war torn United States, we only saw a glimpse of the local terror cells and vigilante violence.
But if you had watched Ken Burns Civil War series, you’d probably think differently.

Before you ask for something you have no clue about or its outcome, think.
Avatar 58135
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 12:18
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 12:18
Jan 21, 2025, 12:18
Ah yes, "democracy".... that certainly happened with the pardons yesterday, right? Freeing criminals to commit more crimes because it benefits their side. "Justice."

There is no democracy, only an illusion covered with the glitter of social media and technology. There cannot BE democracy until 1 vote = 1 vote, and the USA has NEVER HAD THAT, courtesy of the electoral college. The world is trending towards stricter and more violent regimes taking power, and you all still want to cling to this fantasy that freedom isn't bought with blood, conveniently ignoring thousands of years of precedent in that regard. I get it. You want to live your comfortable life, take no risks for anyone but yourself.....and assuming you're white and religious....you probably will have that chance over the next 4 years. Assuming again you aren't poor.

By your metric, we should've never broken off from the UK. By your metric, the Civil War, WW1, WW2 shouldn't have happened. You cannot win a war against an enemy you do not fight....and Democrats have been not seriously fighting Republicans and fascists for 30+ years now. This current situation is the result of weak minds, weak resolve, and utter complacency in the face of an overwhelming attack on everything even remotely resembling "freedom." You can't have it both ways. Maybe you have nothing to fight for...no wife, no kids, no family that you care about. I don't fault you if you're in that situation, and you're not willing to give up all your comfort and "things" to fight a fight that won't affect you much.....but some of us do. Some of us have to watch our kids coming into a world that gives zero fucks about them, will not support them one iota in trying to better themselves or the future. And voting changed *NONE OF IT*. So what is left, when you've banged your head on the same wall for 40 years and nothing changes for the positive? You either take a different path, or give up. I'm not ready to give up....but I'll not sit here and delude myself into believing that voting will change this, or that the Supreme Court, or the opinion of the rest of the planet will somehow shame conservatives into being the moral and ethical people they claim to be.

So...cling to your fantasy if that's what suits you. While you still can, anyways. Change will come anyways for all of us. Whether that's reforging this stinking pile of sh!t country into something that's actually equitable, or it burning to the ground.....who's to say?

*edit* Blue, if you need to delete this discussion or ban me, all good man. Do what you need to do.
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 11:28
El Pit
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 11:28
Jan 21, 2025, 11:28
 El Pit
Nerian wrote on Jan 21, 2025, 11:24:
Civil war should've been 4 years ago when these chucklefucks showed us exactly who they are. But at the end of the day, as usual, liberals are cowards when it comes to words and actions both.....saying there is no hope and we can't do anything but endure is acceptance...and nobody should accept this. Lawfully, or otherwise.
Really? If people stand in for human rights and democracy, you are trying to tell them that they should exactly ignore both and retaliate violently? And by this, to become exactly what they are trying to fight: tyrants? Leaders ask people to follow them, tyrants order people to follow them.
In the current political and social climate, don't be an aggressive monkey . Show that you have evolved that important thin sugar coating called civilization. Don't fall for the fools.
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 11:24
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 11:24
Jan 21, 2025, 11:24
Civil war should've been 4 years ago when these chucklefucks showed us exactly who they are. But at the end of the day, as usual, liberals are cowards when it comes to words and actions both.....saying there is no hope and we can't do anything but endure is acceptance...and nobody should accept this. Lawfully, or otherwise.
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 21, 2025, 06:54
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 21, 2025, 06:54
Jan 21, 2025, 06:54
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 23:19:
Jivaro wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 23:09:
Today was a fair amount of firsts for me. For one....I never dreamed that my step-sister getting a Presidential pardon would be something I would strongly disagree with....but here we are.
i reread your January 10th 2020 post about your stepsis, It's as chilling today as it was back then.

did that too. heartbreaking. watched the inauguration yesterday and it was surreal. it will embolden right-wingers and fascists all over the globe (again!) to seize power through democratic processes. we have elections in four weeks. this won't help at all.

it's also a confirmation. whatever shit they do, whomever they malign, whichever law they break.. they will have their way. there is no "CUT!!" from the off. there is no lightning from the heavens. there is no alien ship parked above us. there is no god emperor ready to pop some heads and unite the world by force to really strive for the stars, abolish religion and embrace scien-.. but i digress.

there is no hope and there is no help. we have to endure.
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 23:19
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 23:19
Jan 20, 2025, 23:19
Jivaro wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 23:09:
Today was a fair amount of firsts for me. For one....I never dreamed that my step-sister getting a Presidential pardon would be something I would strongly disagree with....but here we are.
i reread your January 10th 2020 post about your stepsis, It's as chilling today as it was back then.
Avatar 58135
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 23:09
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 23:09
Jan 20, 2025, 23:09
Today was a fair amount of firsts for me. For one....I never dreamed that my step-sister getting a Presidential pardon would be something I would strongly disagree with....but here we are.
Avatar 55841
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 22:13
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 22:13
Jan 20, 2025, 22:13
Oneprince wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 21:34:
What a day to be alive! Really seems like we are one step closer to realizing Martin Luther King Jr's dream. Hope everyone had a great Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King Jr

It does, indeed, feel like we're all perishing as fools.

Imagine pardoning 1600 people that committed a riot in your name. They went from a loyal army to one that would take a bullet for you. Who rewards this crap?
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 22:04
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 22:04
Jan 20, 2025, 22:04
fakespyder wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 21:57:
I figured that the media had cropped Musk at an unfortunate moment. Nope. He let his true self shine before a lame attempt to reel it back in and cover it up with "hearts"

Dr. Fantástico is alive and well.

Pace yourself. It's going to be a long 4 years.
Some advice on how to survive the next 1460 days… [Hasan Minhaj]
Avatar 58135
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 21:57
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 21:57
Jan 20, 2025, 21:57
I figured that the media had cropped Musk at an unfortunate moment. Nope. He let his true self shine before a lame attempt to reel it back in and cover it up with "hearts"

Dr. Fantástico is alive and well.

Pace yourself. It's going to be a long 4 years.
Avatar 58853
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 21:56
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 21:56
Jan 20, 2025, 21:56
Jim wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 21:54:
Happy MLK Day!

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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 21:54
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 21:54
Jan 20, 2025, 21:54
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 21:34
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 21:34
Jan 20, 2025, 21:34
What a day to be alive! Really seems like we are one step closer to realizing Martin Luther King Jr's dream. Hope everyone had a great Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King Jr
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 18:32
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 18:32
Jan 20, 2025, 18:32
The folks who update the Big Bear Bald Eagle facebook do a great job. https://www.facebook.com/FOBBV/
Mid-morning on Friday, Jackie laid down briefly in the nest as she waited for Shadow. When she saw him off in the distance, she began to squeeee…. very loudly! Now we all know what that means… Shadow had food and Jackie knew it! Fish is their main diet, but on occasion they may switch it up and bring water fowl or small prey. She happily claimed Shadow's “gift” of what looked like small prey, gobbling it down without hesitation. Later in the day, Jackie made two more “test the nest” visits.
Saturday morning, Jackie hauled in a nice big pile of dried leaves and grass used to soften the bowl. Since he will be helping Jackie incubate the eggs, Shadow decided he should also test the bowl so he laid down a couple of times… so sweet! Jackie arrived later with a headless fish meal for herself, even though her crop looked pretty full already. Laying eggs is exhausting so she needs to be prepared and well fed!
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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 18:04
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 18:04
Jan 20, 2025, 18:04
Cutter wrote on Jan 20, 2025, 18:00:
So now you're banning quotes from The Simpsons? Well, now we know why Trump got elected don't we.
I'm deleting tone deaf quotes. I have no idea how you thought that up as a response to the MLK quote, and I don't really want to.

You just don't have a clue, do you? Just crapping in the punchbowl like you're handing out candy.
Stephen "Blue" Heaslip
Blue's News Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, El Presidente for Life
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Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 18:00
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 18:00
Jan 20, 2025, 18:00
So now you're banning quotes from The Simpsons? Well, now we know why Trump got elected don't we.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: OotB: The Dream
Jan 20, 2025, 17:58
Re: OotB: The Dream Jan 20, 2025, 17:58
Jan 20, 2025, 17:58
Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!
Avatar 55841
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