Garbage-man Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.Play
- Common sleeping pill may pave way for disorders like Alzheimer's - Futurity.
- Scientists Unveil First Detailed Image of Huntington’s Disease Fibrils - SciTechDaily.
- Can you read cursive? It's a superpower the National Archives is looking for - USA Today/Yahoo! Thanks RedEye9.
Creature Features
- Bird flu: Cats died in California after drinking recalled raw milk. Thanks RedEye9.
The Funnies
Mr. Tact wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:36:Nah, I just hang them up inside in winter, works just as well.Razumen wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 01:39:Fine a lot of the time, but if you are in a temperate weather area it can be problematic. Say, like right now when average outside temperature has been below freezing for a few weeks or in the spring when it rains on and off each day for two weeks straight.
Ironically, I also don't have a clothes drier, for a few reasons. 😅
But hanging them up to dry and just waiting is stupidly trivial. It also means my clothes aren't worn out as quickly.
Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 16:03:Bodolza wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:58:Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:10:
* Self-checkout is ideal
Most stuff I'm pretty ambivelent about, but this one I absolutely hate. It's just slower and more work. The only upside for the shopper is making it incredibly easy to steal. Those scanners can't tell an organic meyer lemon from anything vaguely round and yellow.
I find it faster, personally, and more painless. Never a line for them, and I'm out so much quicker.
Razumen wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 01:39:Fine a lot of the time, but if you are in a temperate weather area it can be problematic. Say, like right now when average outside temperature has been below freezing for a few weeks or in the spring when it rains on and off each day for two weeks straight.
Ironically, I also don't have a clothes drier, for a few reasons. 😅
But hanging them up to dry and just waiting is stupidly trivial. It also means my clothes aren't worn out as quickly.
Cutter wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 20:39:Ironically, I also don't have a clothes drier, for a few reasons. 😅Razumen wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 19:47:
Liking or not liking books isn't the problem, it's dealing with them afterwards that is. Of course I prefer a real book in my hands, but it's just not practical a lot of the time to bring a book/s with you, and a lot easier to read digitally.
I can understand not having a dishwasher, it's not hard or really time consuming to hand wash dishes if there's only one or two people in your home. Now not having a washing machine for clothes would be a nightmare.
Holy shit yes! Most people have no idea what a nightmare doing laundry by hand was. Almost the entirety of a woman's work week was dedicated to doing laundry. Most of the day, six days a week, laundry. It was honestly like serving a sentence. I tell you, post nuclear war people will miss toilet paper most, but washing machines will be a very close second.
Razumen wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 19:47:
Liking or not liking books isn't the problem, it's dealing with them afterwards that is. Of course I prefer a real book in my hands, but it's just not practical a lot of the time to bring a book/s with you, and a lot easier to read digitally.
I can understand not having a dishwasher, it's not hard or really time consuming to hand wash dishes if there's only one or two people in your home. Now not having a washing machine for clothes would be a nightmare.
gsilver wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 18:13:
And the people refusing to use self-checkout have a point.
I've had some bad experiences with them, especially if I need to do something horrible like use more bags than there are spots in the bagging area, or the worst crime of all, scanning something before realizing that there isn't an open bag to put it in. It'll treat you like a shoplifter if you have to set down an item before putting it in a bag.
A full dishwasher uses about 13 litres of water to clean 144 items. Washing the same load by hand uses about 100 litres of water on average, according to a study by the University of Bonn in Germany.
Big Boy returned home blind and without the use of his back legs, though he is recovering, Journell said. A fourth cat, Cleo, didn’t drink the milk and remained healthy.
Journell has demanded that Raw Farm owner Mark McAfee compensate him for the more than $12,000 he spent treating the cats, according Seattle food safety lawyer Ilana Korchia, who is representing him.
Nearly a dozen cats in California have died since early December after consuming raw milk or raw pet food contaminated with bird flu, health officials have said.
Journell has recovered physically but said he’s still suffering from the “mental anguish” of losing his pets. Despite the ordeal, he said he still thinks raw milk offers some health benefits.
Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 16:03:Apparently the list didn't load completely for me at first. As most point out, it gets weird later on, so I retract my wholehearted agreement. The last one I really pass on is QR menus at #13.Bodolza wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:58:Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:10:
* Self-checkout is ideal
Most stuff I'm pretty ambivelent about, but this one I absolutely hate. It's just slower and more work. The only upside for the shopper is making it incredibly easy to steal. Those scanners can't tell an organic meyer lemon from anything vaguely round and yellow.
I find it faster, personally, and more painless. Never a line for them, and I'm out so much quicker.
Bodolza wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:58:Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:10:
* Self-checkout is ideal
Most stuff I'm pretty ambivelent about, but this one I absolutely hate. It's just slower and more work. The only upside for the shopper is making it incredibly easy to steal. Those scanners can't tell an organic meyer lemon from anything vaguely round and yellow.
Beamer wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 15:10:
* Self-checkout is ideal
gsilver wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 13:53:I watch most shows on my PC or on tablet. There are so many ways to watch these days.
More power to the one who does without a TV
…Unless they’re on their phone all the time
Krapalicious wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 14:01:It's a poorly formatted article. Each number should have had a bolded header. I read the comment to read that the user hates using his phone for internet and still uses the laptop for everything.
Uh, not sure if you were being facetious, but the dishwasher is #14, e-readers is #17, and the laptop is #16.
Didn't understand the reference to the laptop. You say "why use a little keyboard and screen when you don't have to?" So, is this guy using a gigantic MacBook or something? Or, is he one of those idiots that uses an iPad with a Bluetooth mouse and full-sized keyboard?
16."90% of my internet usage is still on a laptop. Why work with a tiny keyboard and a tiny screen when you don't have to?"