54 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: dueling sock puppets
Jan 14, 2025, 17:11
Re: dueling sock puppets Jan 14, 2025, 17:11
Jan 14, 2025, 17:11
Beamer wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 17:08:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 16:59:
I don't think they're the same people.

edit: Oh I didn't know they were both Vince... lol I guess maybe they could be.
I thought they had pretty different posting styles / tones, but maybe that was intentional... and maybe they're not as different as I thought.

I wouldn't have thought so, until "Thanks in advance, Vince."

I have had EI blocked, anyway.

It makes this discussion even goofier because Quinn hated GTAV for its "thug" story, and yet here is he defending it now.
Avatar 17249
Re: dueling sock puppets
Jan 14, 2025, 17:08
Re: dueling sock puppets Jan 14, 2025, 17:08
Jan 14, 2025, 17:08
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 16:59:
I don't think they're the same people.

edit: Oh I didn't know they were both Vince... lol I guess maybe they could be.
I thought they had pretty different posting styles / tones, but maybe that was intentional... and maybe they're not as different as I thought.

I wouldn't have thought so, until "Thanks in advance, Vince."

I have had EI blocked, anyway.
Re: dueling sock puppets
Jan 14, 2025, 16:59
Re: dueling sock puppets Jan 14, 2025, 16:59
Jan 14, 2025, 16:59
I don't think they're the same people.

edit: Oh I didn't know they were both Vince... lol I guess maybe they could be.
I thought they had pretty different posting styles / tones, but maybe that was intentional... and maybe they're not as different as I thought.
Avatar 17249
Re: dueling sock puppets
Jan 14, 2025, 15:54
Re: dueling sock puppets Jan 14, 2025, 15:54
Jan 14, 2025, 15:54
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 15:46:
That nagging feeling like you're seeing a repeat.

Both go by the same name.
Example 1
Example 2

Both are Dutch.
Example 3
Example 4
and many many more.


They overlapped in posting around the time this post was made, for 2 years. Then one disappeared for a decade, reemerging when the other got banned.
dueling sock puppets
Jan 14, 2025, 15:46
dueling sock puppets Jan 14, 2025, 15:46
Jan 14, 2025, 15:46
That nagging feeling like you're seeing a repeat.

Both go by the same name.
Example 1
Example 2

Both are Dutch.
Example 3
Example 4
and many many more.

Avatar 58135
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 15:18
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 15:18
Jan 14, 2025, 15:18
Scallywag Sally wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 13:52:
Noice discussion! Don't see that happen much here lol. Allow me to pause my Marvel Rivals Diamond 2 (I know, I'm that good) progression for this *grabs popcorn*

It happened too much before I fucked off from this place. Sometimes I leap back in for a short while. Hardly to talk about games though. Disrupting the echo-chamber is much more fun. Make sure to grab Sweet & Salt. If there's a god, sweet & salt popcorn combined is the best proof there is.

Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 11:52:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:17:
So what games do you think are woke?
Cutter recently identified this newly announced Tron game as woke.
Do you agree, or do you distance yourself from that kind of usage of the word?
Would you have to decide if you didn't like what it was doing first?
What can it do? How far can it go before it's your new kind of woke... the bad kind of woke?

No, the new TRON game isn’t woke just because it has a black female protagonist. Representation alone doesnt make something woke -- unless it’s forced into a setting where it clearly doesn’t belong, like shoving diversity into a realistic portrayal of 16th-century Bohemia. The KCD fans would go postal over that, and rightly so -- but that’s another discussion.

"Wokeness" is when the story stops being about entertaining or engaging and starts preaching. Writing TRON off only based on a character’s race or gender is fucking ridiculous.

See, we'll have to disagree here. I agree with Cutter. I think the new Tron game is woke.
Or more accurately, I think it was woke of the developers to choose to make the protagonist of their sci-fi game a black female, likely as a an attempt to rectify the dearth of such representation in games.
But as you said, I'm operating under the "outdated definition", the original definition, the real definition.
The good kind of woke, not the bad kind of woke.
And for you to determine the difference, your own definition requires you to evaluate how you feel about the (original definition) wokeness.
It only enters your "woke" if you feel condescended to, if the wokeness feels like it has an air of moral superiority to you.
I'm glad that just having a black female protagonist isn't the bad kind of woke to you but rather the good "outdated" kind.

I think we’ve taken a detour into semantics here, and it’s derailing the original discussion. Let me break it down. I just had a good meal, so here goes my rekindled spirit....

First, and I'm gonna have to repeat myself it seems, the way I and many others online define "woke" these days is distinct from the older definition you’re holding onto. The modern "bad kind of woke" isn’t just about representation or diversity -- it’s when narratives or creative works adopt a condescending or preachy tone, shoehorning in one “correct” perspective and prioritizing moral posturing over genuine storytelling or authenticity.
By your own admission, you’re using the "original definition" of woke -- the "good kind" -- that’s about representing marginalized groups. But that’s not the definition I’ve been discussing. You’re conflating your "good kind" with the "bad kind" I’ve been defining, which makes this less of a discussion and more of a game of rhetorical gotcha I truly do not care for.

I’ll reiterate: I don’t think the new TRON game is woke (bad kind) just because it has a black female protagonist. That’s not condescending or preachy -- it’s just a creative choice. As I said earlier, race or gender alone isn’t the issue. It becomes an issue only if representation is forced into a setting or story where it doesn’t fit, or when the work becomes more about pushing a moral agenda than delivering a meaningful experience.

You’re welcome to call it "woke" in the "good kind" sense, but that’s not what I, or the majority of people online using the term "woke," are discussing. If anything, your framing here highlights the very confusion that happens when we don’t acknowledge how language evolves.

I’m rejecting the strawman that assumes I (or others like me) dislike representation itself or conflate it with the bad kind of woke. I don't even automatically assume the creators of the new TRON game made the choice of a black female protagonist for their "good kind of woke" statement. I know it's hard for Americans to wrap their heads around the following: most normal people don't give a fuck about skin color. It's about as interesting to them as the color of one's hair. Maybe -- just maybe! -- the people behind the new TRON are just normal people.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 13:52
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 13:52
Jan 14, 2025, 13:52
Noice discussion! Don't see that happen much here lol. Allow me to pause my Marvel Rivals Diamond 2 (I know, I'm that good) progression for this *grabs popcorn*
Avatar 60353
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 11:52
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 11:52
Jan 14, 2025, 11:52
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:17:
So what games do you think are woke?
Cutter recently identified this newly announced Tron game as woke.
Do you agree, or do you distance yourself from that kind of usage of the word?
Would you have to decide if you didn't like what it was doing first?
What can it do? How far can it go before it's your new kind of woke... the bad kind of woke?

No, the new TRON game isn’t woke just because it has a black female protagonist. Representation alone doesnt make something woke -- unless it’s forced into a setting where it clearly doesn’t belong, like shoving diversity into a realistic portrayal of 16th-century Bohemia. The KCD fans would go postal over that, and rightly so -- but that’s another discussion.

"Wokeness" is when the story stops being about entertaining or engaging and starts preaching. Writing TRON off only based on a character’s race or gender is fucking ridiculous.

See, we'll have to disagree here. I agree with Cutter. I think the new Tron game is woke.
Or more accurately, I think it was woke of the developers to choose to make the protagonist of their sci-fi game a black female, likely as a an attempt to rectify the dearth of such representation in games.
But as you said, I'm operating under the "outdated definition", the original definition, the real definition.
The good kind of woke, not the bad kind of woke.
And for you to determine the difference, your own definition requires you to evaluate how you feel about the (original definition) wokeness.
It only enters your "woke" if you feel condescended to, if the wokeness feels like it has an air of moral superiority to you.
I'm glad that just having a black female protagonist isn't the bad kind of woke to you but rather the good "outdated" kind.
Avatar 17249
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 10:49
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 10:49
Jan 14, 2025, 10:49
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 10:17:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Oh, we’ve seen.
Republican congressman calls for halting of disaster relief to California

Un Fucking Believable

I just read your article. Have you? Although his timing is far from perfect -- or maybe the exact opposite if you think about how the current catastrophy could've been avoided with better forest management -- he appears to be advocating for long-term policy changes rather than outright denying current relief.

It's not as Un Fucking Believable as your partisan brain interprets it.

I think this completes the derailment. Beamer and some troll, whomever I'm referring to: congratulations
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 10:17
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 10:17
Jan 14, 2025, 10:17
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Oh, we’ve seen.
Republican congressman calls for halting of disaster relief to California

Un Fucking Believable
Avatar 58135
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 10:01
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 10:01
Jan 14, 2025, 10:01
Beamer wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 09:39:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:12:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

It certainly seems as though that is how you are treating it.

Like Sepharo I'm curious what games you consider woke.

You mean like using a fire to constantly highlight systematic inequalities can feel like an unnecessary polarization. Unfortunately, since the guy you're responding to agrees with those politics, he can't see how it's what he rails against, only at a higher level. Especially since he complains about private individuals doing it, but has no issue when politicians he supports are doing it with the California wildfires.

The people that cry loudest about small government and freedom of speech seem to always get angry at private individuals while defending their own politicians doing the same thing.

Awww, I appreciate the enthusiasm, Beamy, but it feels like you’ve constructed an argument based on assumptions rather than understanding my perspective. If we’re going to engage meaningfully, let’s ground this in clarity instead of conjecture.

For example, I never said I’m comfortable with politicians -- or anyone, for that matter -- using tragedies to push their agendas. My issue isn’t with individuals having political views; it’s with the delivery method overshadowing the subject. When media or figures, regardless of political affiliation, turn every event into a battleground for their preferred narrative, it diminishes the complexity of those events and alienates a significant portion of their audience. When it's woke and when it's not is a different story, which is what I tried to touch upon in my earlier comment.

Your point about "crying loudest about small government" might be valid in other contexts, but it’s not one I’ve made or endorsed. Instead of assuming my stance, feel free to ask for clarification. Mischaracterizing my argument only dilutes the conversation. But I think you know that fully well and your act of derailing the conversation is very deliberate, for some weird reason.

Here's my reply to the #1 troll of this forum: Screw my "convictions". Sometimes boredom is best quelled by walking into this echo chamber and disrupt it a little bit. I'll be gone again before you know it.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 10:00
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 10:00
Jan 14, 2025, 10:00
Beamer wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 09:39:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:12:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

It certainly seems as though that is how you are treating it.

Like Sepharo I'm curious what games you consider woke.

You mean like using a fire to constantly highlight systematic inequalities can feel like an unnecessary polarization. Unfortunately, since the guy you're responding to agrees with those politics, he can't see how it's what he rails against, only at a higher level. Especially since he complains about private individuals doing it, but has no issue when politicians he supports are doing it with the California wildfires.

The people that cry loudest about small government and freedom of speech seem to always get angry at private individuals while defending their own politicians doing the same thing.
Do you want to know what’s sad. He can only come up with one scene in a game but his main complaint is that the “wokest” place on earth, aka Hollywood, is woke.
Talk about yelling at the clouds.

I prefer the old EI that stood up for himself and was a man of his convictions
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Sep 7, 2024, 10:23:
, this is my last weekend here anyway, I've decided late last night.

Avatar 58135
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 09:39
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 09:39
Jan 14, 2025, 09:39
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:12:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

It certainly seems as though that is how you are treating it.

Like Sepharo I'm curious what games you consider woke.

You mean like using a fire to constantly highlight systematic inequalities can feel like an unnecessary polarization. Unfortunately, since the guy you're responding to agrees with those politics, he can't see how it's what he rails against, only at a higher level. Especially since he complains about private individuals doing it, but has no issue when politicians he supports are doing it with the California wildfires.

The people that cry loudest about small government and freedom of speech seem to always get angry at private individuals while defending their own politicians doing the same thing.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 08:59
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 08:59
Jan 14, 2025, 08:59
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 08:19:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:12:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

It certainly seems as though that is how you are treating it.

Like Sepharo I'm curious what games you consider woke.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the game, Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a very simple example. It's not entirely woke, but some parts are, most specifically Taash' story. It was pure cringe. Have you witnessed the "pulling a Barth" cutscene? Let me know if you need me to elaborate on why The Veilguard has extremely woke parts.

Apart from that one, I can't remember any game I've played that's dominantly woke off the top of my head. Mind you that I don't limit my complaint about wokeness on games. It’s far more prevalent in Hollywood, where cringy TV shows and movies can’t resist shoehorning contemporary socio-political agendas into the narrative.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 08:19
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 08:19
Jan 14, 2025, 08:19
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 07:12:
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Perhaps you haven't seen how they are responding to the California wildfires.

Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

It certainly seems as though that is how you are treating it.

Like Sepharo I'm curious what games you consider woke.
Avatar 14675
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 07:12
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 07:12
Jan 14, 2025, 07:12
fujiJuice wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:54:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.

No, conservative media isn’t “woke” by the definition I’m using. Wokeness is tied to a specific style of moral superiority in media -- prioritizing virtue-signaling over storytelling or constantly redirecting attention from one issue to another. For example, using a hurricane to repeatedly highlight systemic inequities can feel like an unnecessary politicization, especially when it overshadows the primary story. It’s this tendency to make everything about one overarching narrative that turns people off.

Preaching, regardless of the source, isn’t great -- but it’s not the same as being woke. Calling Trump or Musk woke just twists the term into “anything I don’t like,” which makes it meaningless.

By the by, I don’t see myself as the arbiter of what “wokeness” means. I am just very familiar with the audience’s complaints. While Cutter’s ridiculous take is certainly echoed in there sadly, it’s far from the majority view. My sense is that most criticism stems from frustration with heavy-handedness and a lack of nuance, not the mere inclusion of diversity or social topics.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 06:54
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 06:54
Jan 14, 2025, 06:54
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:39:
For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered.

So is conservative media woke? Sounds a lot like the things I have seen from them. In fact they quite often say people that don't agree with them are evil and they preach their own values as the only true way. Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk woke? All they do is espouse their own beliefs while condemning everything else, no exceptions.
Avatar 14675
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 06:39
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 06:39
Jan 14, 2025, 06:39
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:17:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:10:
The thing is, this isn’t just my personal take; a significant portion of the public perceives "wokeness" in media the same way I do. That perception shapes how these stories are received, whether Sepharo agrees with it or not.

For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered. When it feels like creators are more interested in lecturing or virtue-signaling than telling a story, it alienates people who don’t already agree with the messaging.

I'm not aware of Star Trek: Discovery's controversies. But I can imagine why you might find its handling of social topics great: it probably resonates with you? But for a lot of people, I guess the messaging feels heavy-handed, overshadowing the narrative and coming across as condescending (again, not aware of Discovery)? And that’s a problem, because media is at its best when it engages and challenges its audience, not when it preaches to them.

Compare that to GTA, which satirizes everyone and everything indiscriminately. It doesn’t tell you what to think -- it holds up a mirror and lets you draw your own conclusions. That’s the kind of approach that connects with a wider audience, and it’s why many people, like me, push back on “woke” storytelling. It’s not just about avoiding tough topics; it’s about respecting the audience enough to explore them without preaching.

So what games do you think are woke?
Cutter recently identified this newly announced Tron game as woke.
Do you agree, or do you distance yourself from that kind of usage of the word?
Would you have to decide if you didn't like what it was doing first?
What can it do? How far can it go before it's your new kind of woke... the bad kind of woke?

No, the new TRON game isn’t woke just because it has a black female protagonist. Representation alone doesnt make something woke -- unless it’s forced into a setting where it clearly doesn’t belong, like shoving diversity into a realistic portrayal of 16th-century Bohemia. The KCD fans would go postal over that, and rightly so -- but that’s another discussion.

"Wokeness" is when the story stops being about entertaining or engaging and starts preaching. Writing TRON off only based on a character’s race or gender is fucking ridiculous.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 06:17
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 06:17
Jan 14, 2025, 06:17
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 06:10:
The thing is, this isn’t just my personal take; a significant portion of the public perceives "wokeness" in media the same way I do. That perception shapes how these stories are received, whether Sepharo agrees with it or not.

For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered. When it feels like creators are more interested in lecturing or virtue-signaling than telling a story, it alienates people who don’t already agree with the messaging.

I'm not aware of Star Trek: Discovery's controversies. But I can imagine why you might find its handling of social topics great: it probably resonates with you? But for a lot of people, I guess the messaging feels heavy-handed, overshadowing the narrative and coming across as condescending (again, not aware of Discovery)? And that’s a problem, because media is at its best when it engages and challenges its audience, not when it preaches to them.

Compare that to GTA, which satirizes everyone and everything indiscriminately. It doesn’t tell you what to think -- it holds up a mirror and lets you draw your own conclusions. That’s the kind of approach that connects with a wider audience, and it’s why many people, like me, push back on “woke” storytelling. It’s not just about avoiding tough topics; it’s about respecting the audience enough to explore them without preaching.

So what games do you think are woke?
Cutter recently identified this newly announced Tron game as woke.
Do you agree, or do you distance yourself from that kind of usage of the word?
Would you have to decide if you didn't like what it was doing first?
What can it do? How far can it go before it's your new kind of woke... the bad kind of woke?
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Re: Issues & Activism
Jan 14, 2025, 06:10
Re: Issues & Activism Jan 14, 2025, 06:10
Jan 14, 2025, 06:10
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 05:38:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 05:29:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 05:05:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 04:59:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 04:24:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 14, 2025, 04:09:
Sepharo wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 13:03:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jan 13, 2025, 10:52:
The end of wokeness is near, because it doesn't sell. It doesn't sell, because people don't want to be talked down to. The GTA5 example is nonsense. Woke isn't simply "the presence of black people". If you don't get that yet, you never will. And that doesn't matter, because the end of wokeness is near anyway -- so everything that transpired happened while you were blissfully ignorant about it.

This should be interesting...
GTA series... woke or not woke?

The GTA series isn’t woke. It’s a parody of tropes -- it doesn’t lecture or talk down to its audience in a condescending attempt to dictate how they should think or feel.

It's absolutely woke.
It's a skewering satire of America's social and racial inequalities.

It's as woke as Blazing Saddles... a movie that today's anti-wokers think "could never be made today" because they miss the point entirely.

Case in point: you’re stuck using an outdated definition -- just like RedEye. If you haven’t grasped the current meaning of “woke” that people are discussing these days, you likely never will. Trying to have a dialogue about it with you guys is absolutely futile.

Oh, I've definitely grasped the meaning... "Things I don't like are woke."
20 years ago they would have used "politically correct" the same way.
Gotta have that boogeyman.

You’re deflecting. “Woke” isn’t some catch-all for “things I don’t like,” nor is it a lazy rebranding of “politically correct.” It’s a term that’s evolved to represent an overbearing moral superiority that lectures its audience, often in a way that alienates more than it resonates.

The difference with GTA is that it doesn’t do that. Its satire punches at everyone and everything equally, without taking itself too seriously or trying to preach. That’s why it works. Compare that to modern “woke” storytelling, which often alienates by talking down to its audience and insisting on a single “correct” perspective.

It’s not about a boogeyman -- it’s about respecting your audience enough to let them think for themselves.

What if I disagree?
What if I think GTA is preaching?
What if I disagree?
What if I think the way Star Trek: Discovery handled social topics was great and not condescending?

"Condescending" and moral superiority seem to be a big part of your definition.
Why do you feel that way about woke-ness in media?
I certainly don't feel condescended to or that writers feel that they're morally superior to me.

The thing is, this isn’t just my personal take; a significant portion of the public perceives "wokeness" in media the same way I do. That perception shapes how these stories are received, whether Sepharo agrees with it or not.

For me, "woke" media often crosses the line when it shifts from presenting ideas to prescribing them, framing one perspective as the only “enlightened” one. That’s where the sense of moral superiority comes in -- it’s not the topics themselves but the way they’re delivered. When it feels like creators are more interested in lecturing or virtue-signaling than telling a story, it alienates people who don’t already agree with the messaging.

I'm not aware of Star Trek: Discovery's controversies. But I can imagine why you might find its handling of social topics great: it probably resonates with you? But for a lot of people, I guess the messaging feels heavy-handed, overshadowing the narrative and coming across as condescending (again, not aware of Discovery)? And that’s a problem, because media is at its best when it engages and challenges its audience, not when it preaches to them.

Compare that to GTA, which satirizes everyone and everything indiscriminately. It doesn’t tell you what to think -- it holds up a mirror and lets you draw your own conclusions. That’s the kind of approach that connects with a wider audience, and it’s why many people, like me, push back on “woke” storytelling. The goal shouldn’t be to avoid challenging themes but to present them in a way that invites thought and discussion, rather than dictating a single viewpoint.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
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