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Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 11:43
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 11:43
Jan 7, 2025, 11:43
LOL, yeah ok, sure. Sound slike another person who worked on Starfield who is upset that it wasn't heralded as the second coming of Christ. Heaping some blame on to Skyrim which he also worked on it just pathetic and frankly unprofessional. Players want quality over quantity in most cases and Bethesda games are an ocean wide but a puddle deep in many aspects is the real problem (and I like their games). They are saved because of the immense replayability, primarily due to their character creation, but even that keeps getting dumbed down each game.

I haven't seen info about Starfield's cut content but there was quite a bit from Skyrim because they had to make that magical 11/11/11 release date. They just need to refocus a bit on adding some depth while completing the designed content but still make sprawling, 100+ hour games. If they go the shorter game route then having more replayability design is the way to go. Things like having to make choices that preclude you from other content until you do another play through and/or multiple resolutions with multiple endings to more than just a few quests.
Avatar 60307
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 12:11
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 12:11
Jan 7, 2025, 12:11
Saved by replayability for sure, but saved predominantly by dedicated modders. Skyrim didn't sell 60 million copies over the last 14 years because of the updated editions. They sold that many because mods. The more they try to create a walled garden for paid mod access, the less successful their games will get. This guy is a part of the problem in the AAA space.
Avatar 17499
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 12:16
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 12:16
Jan 7, 2025, 12:16
However, Shen contends that the oversaturation of giant games leaves players without enough time to fully invest in new titles.

So basically he wants less competition to Bethesda's games stand out better.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 12:41
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 12:41
Jan 7, 2025, 12:41
Bethesda Veteran Says Players Are "Fatigued" By Seemingly Endless sh!tty AAA Games like Starfield

Aka Pay Pay Pay, good content be damned.
Avatar 58799
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 12:50
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 12:50
Jan 7, 2025, 12:50
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 11:43:
LOL, yeah ok, sure. Sound slike another person who worked on Starfield who is upset that it wasn't heralded as the second coming of Christ. Heaping some blame on to Skyrim which he also worked on it just pathetic and frankly unprofessional. Players want quality over quantity in most cases and Bethesda games are an ocean wide but a puddle deep in many aspects is the real problem (and I like their games). They are saved because of the immense replayability, primarily due to their character creation, but even that keeps getting dumbed down each game.

Isn't that what he's saying? Players are getting tired of games like his ones and quantity isn't so much what players want any more. I think it would be pathetic to not mention Skyrim, I'd rather he said that than try to pretend his games/company aren't a part of this.
Avatar 10439
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 12:52
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 12:52
Jan 7, 2025, 12:52
Bad games can never end soon enough. The good ones are never too long.

Life is too short to play crappy games.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 14:16
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 14:16
Jan 7, 2025, 14:16
Bethesda makes huge games that endure because they're large, replayable and moddable - not because they use cutting-edge tech, have great writing or offer any innovation. Those things are added by the rabid fan base through mods. They also used to have good writing (Morrowind) but those staff members are gone.

Shen worked at Bethesda for more than 14 years. He's only been out for just over 1 year. The koolaid isn't out of his system yet. He's just reacting to how other people do it and stay in business.

Players are fatigued by the same old bugs in the Gamebryo engine showing up in every Bethesda game in the last 20 years.
Players are fatigued by 7-8 loading screens whenever they want to go somewhere.
Players are fatigued by poor quest design, nonsensical writing and disconnected stories that go on forever. Fix that stuff and people are fine with larger games.
Avatar 20761
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
Yeah buddy, more gamers on the planet and a higher percentage of the population actually playing games.....and NOW.......now is when they are all "fatigued" by spending too long on a single game. It couldn't just be that with more video game players there are more playing preferences and styles. The self-serving priciple in this opinion here is outstanding. Dude who makes games thinks they should be shorter so people have to buy games more often....thus increasing demand for workers who make games. Not because any customer is actually verbalizing this, because "he thinks so". The dude worked for a company that primarily makes single player games that people enjoy for 10+ years. Now because Starfield was disappointing single player epic games are not wanted by the players? Larian seems to be doing fine.....hey Will....could it possibly be the players expect those "endless games" to actually be worth their money and time? I think, Will, you see a bigger potential money bag making a diffferent kind of game that appeals to a different kind of gamer.....and instead of saying that you want to make it sound like an obligation driven by customer needs. How noble. /s

Sometimes the voices that get amplified in this industry leave me scratching my head. It's a reminder that you can be a genius in your profession and still be a short sighted idiot in your industry. There are hot takes, and then there is whatver drug-induced drivel this dude's brain is leaking.
Avatar 55841
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
Jan 7, 2025, 14:24
In my year end post, I pointed out a few games I loved but felt overstayed their welcome and I was dying to have end sooner, so this makes sense to me
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 15:15
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 15:15
Jan 7, 2025, 15:15
Or maybe they're seriously disinclined to pay $100 for a new game when most people are barely scraping by for food and rent, never mind luxuries. Price your games at $20 and then we'll see if they're actually "fatigued" or not.

“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 15:24
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 15:24
Jan 7, 2025, 15:24
I'm not fadigued after dozens of hours of BG3.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 15:49
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 15:49
Jan 7, 2025, 15:49
Pr()ZaC wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 15:24:
I'm not fadigued after dozens of hours of BG3.

That's a bit of his point. You have a game you really enjoy sinking a lot of time into. Do you need another, or would you prefer a shorter game at the moment?

For me, games like Dave the Diver, even, we're just too long. The back third of that game felt like more of the same with nothing really new.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 16:08
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 16:08
Jan 7, 2025, 16:08
Starfield wasnt shitty. Not by a long shot. People just wanted the game to be different, it wasnt what they were expecting.

The game was released relatively bug free and had hours of enjoyment, wasnt too grindy and had quite a bit of fun elements. Easily worth the money.
Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 16:53
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 16:53
Jan 7, 2025, 16:53
Armengar wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 16:08:
Starfield wasnt shitty. Not by a long shot. People just wanted the game to be different, it wasnt what they were expecting.

The game was released relatively bug free and had hours of enjoyment, wasnt too grindy and had quite a bit of fun elements. Easily worth the money.

While opinions on the enjoyment of any game are subjective, and I am happy for you if you were happy with this game....factual history is just factual history. The release bugs were big and game breaking. From broken gameplay and quests to random CTD and savgame corruption.
Congratulations if you were one of the people they didn't effect. Not all of us were so lucky and yes, that is damn well disappointing. Particularly with the money Bethesda charges for anything. It is revisionist history to say that this game was anywhere close to bug free. here is a link with a publish date from 2023 as a refresher: https://starfieldportal.com/article/starfield-bugs
Avatar 55841
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 16:54
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 16:54
Jan 7, 2025, 16:54
Armengar wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 16:08:
Starfield wasnt shitty. Not by a long shot. People just wanted the game to be different, it wasnt what they were expecting.

The game was released relatively bug free and had hours of enjoyment, wasnt too grindy and had quite a bit of fun elements. Easily worth the money.

Comparing Starfield to previous Bethesda games, some of it was definitely shitty. The pirate missions had to be the worst storyline I have ever played in one of Bethesda's games. The main characters are obnoxious, and in several parts the writing and mission design were terrible.

There's the copy/paste temples, to unlock powers, that have you doing the exact same action, with the same enemy spawn in the same area, every time. Incredibly low effort design and development.

The whole space travel gameplay and procedurally generated barren and boring planets are failed game design. Space travel is tedious menu navigating and nearly all of the planets aren't even worth visiting.

Despite eight years of development, it felt like they ran out of time and rushed parts of the game. It was relatively bug free, compared to their previous games, but in the end it doesn't matter because it's overwhelmingly regarded as one of their worst games.
Avatar 57911
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 17:20
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 17:20
Jan 7, 2025, 17:20
Beamer wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 14:24:
In my year end post, I pointed out a few games I loved but felt overstayed their welcome and I was dying to have end sooner, so this makes sense to me

This is how I felt about Ghost of Tsushima. Fantastic game but by the half way mark I was kind of done with it.

A seemingly impossible balance to strike with open world games is how do you cater the game to the guy that wants to 100% the game as well as the guy that is just bee-lining the story?
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 18:13
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 18:13
Jan 7, 2025, 18:13
Beamer wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 15:49:
Pr()ZaC wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 15:24:
I'm not fadigued after dozens of hours of BG3.

That's a bit of his point. You have a game you really enjoy sinking a lot of time into. Do you need another, or would you prefer a shorter game at the moment
I need another. Now. As zee Germans would say, gib!
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 18:26
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 18:26
Jan 7, 2025, 18:26
Quboid wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 12:50:
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 11:43:
LOL, yeah ok, sure. Sound slike another person who worked on Starfield who is upset that it wasn't heralded as the second coming of Christ. Heaping some blame on to Skyrim which he also worked on it just pathetic and frankly unprofessional. Players want quality over quantity in most cases and Bethesda games are an ocean wide but a puddle deep in many aspects is the real problem (and I like their games). They are saved because of the immense replayability, primarily due to their character creation, but even that keeps getting dumbed down each game.

Isn't that what he's saying? Players are getting tired of games like his ones and quantity isn't so much what players want any more. I think it would be pathetic to not mention Skyrim, I'd rather he said that than try to pretend his games/company aren't a part of this.
That's his point yes, I disagree with it. It's that the games being made are bad or at least not good enough that is the issue, not how many are on the market. I doubt anyone really believes that having too many good games to choose to buy cannibalizes the market or is a bad thing. The real issue is that there's just a ton of shit games out there, at least in the AAA gaming space, not that people are burned out on expansive games.
Avatar 60307
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 18:39
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 18:39
Jan 7, 2025, 18:39
Armengar wrote on Jan 7, 2025, 16:08:
Starfield wasnt shitty. Not by a long shot. People just wanted the game to be different, it wasnt what they were expecting.

The game was released relatively bug free and had hours of enjoyment, wasnt too grindy and had quite a bit of fun elements. Easily worth the money.

Exhibit A in "tastes in entertainment are 100% subjective"

Just because YOU found it entertaining doesn't mean everyone "wanted the game to be different" (tho, if you mean "wanted the game to be good" then yes, yes they did, but I suspect that's not what you meant.)

Some things can be quantified of course. And honestly, a lot of the Bethesda magic was quantifiably NOT in Starfield. The star of Bethesda games, especially the further away you get from Morrowind, is the world. Not the writing, the quests, and all of that. The magic happened on the way as you discover 37 things between Step 1 and Step 2.

"I was on my way to do this quest and I stumbled upon this awesome thing and it wasn't until the following week that I finally got to finish the quest cuz I was just so distracted by all the awesome"

Starfield removed a lot of that. That's quantifiable. And, presuming you agree about the Bethesda magic part, it's a lesser game because of it.
Re: Quoteworthy
Jan 7, 2025, 18:47
Re: Quoteworthy Jan 7, 2025, 18:47
Jan 7, 2025, 18:47
I thought Starfield was mostly OK and I played it for about 150 hours including the 'Shattered Space' DLC (100% completion/achievements on both). It was surprisingly stable and bug free. All I ever encountered were glitches which were mostly pretty funny when my companion would jump on furniture or endlessly run against a wall... stuff like that.

I didn't think that Starfield felt "endless". If you would ignore the side quests then it could probably be done in 30 hours or so(?). The DLC was crap though.

That said, this guy is not wrong. I have been trying to play/finish Horizon Forbidden West (HFW) over many months now but can not really get myself to make much progress due to fatigue. I actually felt my first real open world burnout last year when I arrived in the open world of HFW (the intro is taking place in a more confined area) and opened the map for the first time. I lol'ed and quit to desktop.

That game's world is insanely large and there are sooo many POIs and icons for collectibles/activities on the map, it is simply crazy, exacerbated by the fact that the game now has diving (huge underwater worlds as well) and even flying.

I never felt the same with Starfield which seems natural because Starfield is way more segregated. There isn't a singular huge game world. There are many planets and they have a lot of terrain but everyone knows that the game is structured in a way that you don't really have to go to any POIs unless a mission leads you there so you can safely ignore all the copy & paste, or even auto-generated/procedurally generated, content.

General huge game fatigue is nothing new though. I have quite a few huge/long games in my backlog and I definitely tip-toe around them when deciding on a new game to play. Most of the time I go for something more easily digestible because even just the thought of tackling a 200 hour game feels exhausting already.

At the end of the day, the simple formula quality > quantity remains a universal truth imo. Starfield did have some quality quest lines like the infiltration of the Crimson Fleet as a UCSysDef agent but it also had a lot of filler and the DLC was just plain garbage. Like all devs, Bethesda should put more emphasis on quality content instead of filler content. As a bonus, games will require less budget if they are smaller. Just do it and don't try to make a game "epic" by filling it with junk.
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27 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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