LOL, yeah ok, sure. Sound slike another person who worked on Starfield who is upset that it wasn't heralded as the second coming of Christ. Heaping some blame on to Skyrim which he also worked on it just pathetic and frankly unprofessional. Players want quality over quantity in most cases and Bethesda games are an ocean wide but a puddle deep in many aspects is the real problem (and I like their games). They are saved because of the immense replayability, primarily due to their character creation, but even that keeps getting dumbed down each game.
I haven't seen info about Starfield's cut content but there was quite a bit from Skyrim because they had to make that magical 11/11/11 release date. They just need to refocus a bit on adding some depth while completing the designed content but still make sprawling, 100+ hour games. If they go the shorter game route then having more replayability design is the way to go. Things like having to make choices that preclude you from other content until you do another play through and/or multiple resolutions with multiple endings to more than just a few quests.