Star Citizen Free Fly

Celebrating "Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2954," Cloud Imperium Games announces another Free Fly period is underway in the Star Citizen/Squadron 42 universe, an alternate reality where epic crowdfunded space games will eventually completed and released. This page has the event schedule, details on how to participate, and a rundown on the approximately 150 ships included in the promotion. Here's word:
Citizens from all corners of the Stanton System are invited to the premier aerospace event in the galaxy, the annual Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE), once again returning to New Babbage, microTech, from Nov. 22 - Dec. 5. A celebration of space flight, the vehicles and manufacturers that make it possible, and the important roles they perform for the United Empire of Earth, IAE 2954 highlights the limitless possibilities of life in the stars. The challenges that citizens will face as they venture into the Pyro system are immense, and IAE presents a perfect opportunity to test out new ships, refresh on the basics of survival in space, and prepare to boldly explore a new frontier.
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Long Story Short...
Nov 23, 2024, 23:26
Long Story Short... Nov 23, 2024, 23:26
Nov 23, 2024, 23:26
RSI/CIG is running out of money fast.
They were shopping around SQ42 to Microsoft last year (which is why their CitCon was like a shareholders meeting last year, and this year was all about carrot on a stick). Ya throw in the major prices changes in game for ships, and minor but noteworthy prices changes of ships in their
pledge store, also with 2 major money grabs they have done this year. First being the ATLS Cargo Loader (it's the loader from Aliens) that is pretty much essential to the cargo loop gameplay that was way overpriced and due to the blowback was immediately added to the in game stores that has 1 function to move big cargo quick and fast (after they were going to nerf all other tractor beams useable by the player in game), and they allowed people to buy access to Pryo (the next system in the game) by buying their high end monthly subscription. (Typically this goes through waves.
Ya take a look at all the crap that is wasted money around their offices (and the lifesized sculpture of a ship that was shown at CitCon this year) and you'd swear You're looking at the UK Mirror Image of Ion Studios.

Last year at CitCon he said that Squadron 42 was in it's polish phase, and this year said it would be out in 2026. No game goes from "beta" to retail in 2 years for polish unless shit is seriously fucked up.
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 Long Story Short...
Nov 24, 02:23Nov 24 02:23
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