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Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 17:42
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 17:42
Nov 11, 2024, 17:42
Fuck this.. in the future you will have to install the PSN client which will uninstall all content provided by competitors like GOG, EGS, or STEAM. This is the only way to ensure that you don't play unsafe non approved games. Can a Playstation run it? No, then neither should you.
Avatar 15164
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 15:53
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 15:53
Nov 11, 2024, 15:53
It's simple: Sony created a walled garden on their consoles that they want to recreate on PC. I am a self-declared Sony product fanboi, but Sony has been a trash company with regards to consumer privacy, rights, and bad faith moves for some time now. Remember when PSPlus games were yours to keep for the life of your Sony account on PS3, even if you stopped the "plus" part? Yeah, Sony pulled a "just kidding" on that after like a year or two. Then they said they as long as your "Plus" account was active you had access to the games. That also turned out to be a lie, as games routinely stop being able to be accessed on Plus. They take forever to report breaches for ZERO reason. They will risk government fines to delay announcements that might hurt sales. They don't catch or identify the perpetrators any more often or sooner then anyone else, so sales is all the delays are about. I have always loved using their products but the shit they pull, particularly in the last decade, makes Sony real tough to like.

My point is that this is the business model they have picked. It seems unlikely to be substainable in the PC ecosystem to me, but I also thought DLC would be a shortlived experiment in the marketplace...so what do I know? When/if they lose money and customers they will have to readjust, regardless of what they say to the press. The trick is that the gamers have to not just bitch about it, they have to not buy and play the games. Gamers LOVE to bitch, but then they pay the money anyway. Publishers don't care if you are bitching and buying, they care if you are bitching and not buying. Clue: it's the buying part that matters. If it turns out to just be a vocal minority and the mainstream audience doesn't give a rat's ass, well...Sony gonna Sony.
Avatar 55841
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 11:17
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 11:17
Nov 11, 2024, 11:17
yonder wrote on Nov 11, 2024, 09:53:
Bugger off, fanboi.


... well...

... hmmm...

-=Threadcrappeur Extraordinaire=-
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 09:53
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 09:53
Nov 11, 2024, 09:53
RogueSix wrote on Nov 11, 2024, 09:23:
Golder wrote on Nov 11, 2024, 05:50:
I'm sorry Sony but security? It's not Steam who had their database hacked multiple times and took months to release the extent of the hack.

Well, this may not have happened to Steam multiple times but, like most popular entities that are worth hacking, Steam sure enough were involved in at least one major data breach as well.

Of course, Sony is an even bigger and much more prestigious target from a hacking PoV so it is no surprise that they get hit harder and more often. It is also standard security procedure to not divulge the extent of the hack because often times the attackers do not even know that themselves.
Why would you give them that (any) information, make things even worse and attract other hackers to the "party"? That would be unfathomably stupid. I'm glad that you are obviously not in a position where such investigations and decisions are made.

You give the users only the basic information they need to take immediate precautions. That's all they need to know. No one sane would publish details about the hack and thereby invite other hackers to try the same attack vector or point of entry.

And if Sony's response were REMOTELY standard, you'd have a valid point.

Sony was made aware of the 2014 hack Nov 24 that year. It took over weeks for the hack to be even acknowledged, and it sure wasn't Sony that reported it. C-Span reported that names, addresses, and SSN's were stolen. C-SPAN. What did Sony do as a result? Sony threatened to sue any media who continued to report and cover the story of the hack. Ain't no one else that does that.

The PSN outage was many times bigger of an issue than any other gaming network of a comparable size. Where's the XBL equivalent? Doesn't exist. And, as numerous people have stated here, Sony outright *LIES* about PSN requirements. Helldivers 2 is just one of dozens of examples. Want your movies that you paid for on PSN? Too bad. Those are gone. Want to run Linux on your playstation? Too bad, Sony is changing the terms of sale on a piece of hardware AFTER they got your money. Pray they do not change it further.

Unless you're comfortable being openly disregarded as a Sony sycophant (cuz, well, just look at your history) then MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE consider context.

Do companies get hacked? Yes. All the time. But they're usually/often the ones reporting the hack. And VERY RARELY do they threaten to sue people reporting the data breaches.

Sony is a shit company (most companies this size are). There's nothing, NOTHING, wrong with pointing it out when it's applicable.

Bugger off, fanboi.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 09:23
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 09:23
Nov 11, 2024, 09:23
Golder wrote on Nov 11, 2024, 05:50:
I'm sorry Sony but security? It's not Steam who had their database hacked multiple times and took months to release the extent of the hack.

Well, this may not have happened to Steam multiple times but, like most popular entities that are worth hacking, Steam sure enough were involved in at least one major data breach as well.

Of course, Sony is an even bigger and much more prestigious target from a hacking PoV so it is no surprise that they get hit harder and more often. It is also standard security procedure to not divulge the extent of the hack because often times the attackers do not even know that themselves.
Why would you give them that (any) information, make things even worse and attract other hackers to the "party"? That would be unfathomably stupid. I'm glad that you are obviously not in a position where such investigations and decisions are made.

You give the users only the basic information they need to take immediate precautions. That's all they need to know. No one sane would publish details about the hack and thereby invite other hackers to try the same attack vector or point of entry.
-=Threadcrappeur Extraordinaire=-
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 06:18
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 06:18
Nov 11, 2024, 06:18
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 05:50
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 05:50
Nov 11, 2024, 05:50
I'm sorry Sony but security? It's not Steam who had their database hacked multiple times and took months to release the extent of the hack. So that reason for "security" is just a big fat load of bullshit. You want to force your fucking PSN on my computer, I'm not buying your games on computer, period.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 05:09
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 05:09
Nov 11, 2024, 05:09
Dev wrote on Nov 11, 2024, 02:05:
Just give a free cosmetic in games that do this, you'd probably have a lot less complaints

Sad reality of things is that you're probably right. I imagine a good number of people would be somewhat placated (sans the more resistant players, of course).

I personally don't give much of a crap about these requirements as I already have a PSN account anyways. Everyone else is free to vote with their wallet.
Avatar 60406
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 11, 2024, 02:05
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 11, 2024, 02:05
Nov 11, 2024, 02:05
Just give a free cosmetic in games that do this, you'd probably have a lot less complaints
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 21:02
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 21:02
Nov 10, 2024, 21:02
I don't know if it's a translation thing or the lack of context given by the article author, but this "Sony boss" is answering the questions like he doesn't know the players will read it. It's not "offering" when your are in fact forcing it. This is a non-issue to me personally. I think if Sony wants to make this a requirement, that's their right but then they got to own the consequences as well. This guy is trying to make it sound like they are only trying to save the poor ignorant PC players...if only the players would let them. Fuck all the way off bro.
Avatar 55841
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 17:53
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 17:53
Nov 10, 2024, 17:53
RogueSix wrote on Nov 10, 2024, 11:32:
Zero fucks given about PSN requirement here. It's a complete non-issue. You also need a B.net account to play Diablo IV via Steam or EA, Ubi, Take2/Rockstar etc. accounts to play a myriad of high profile AAA games. It is completely silly to single out Sony as the villain. Must be mostly American gamers who still haven't gotten over Pearl Harbor or something...

That's also how it began on Sony's console. PSN requirement is merely them slowly heating the water to a boil.

Once it's boiling... "Want to play your PSN games that you already bought on that internet connection you already paid for? You'll have to subscribe to PS+ ! Spit the money."

We're all seeing them coming, why not you?
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 17:05
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 17:05
Nov 10, 2024, 17:05
phinn wrote on Nov 10, 2024, 16:42:
If it can reduce cheating in multiplayer I have no issue with it. Also I’d gladly buy Bloodborne on Steam and enter any account Sony would like. As far as single player yes that’s annoying but not a big deal, just don’t make me install a separate launcher like the idiots at EA do.
No need for a PSN account when a Ring 0 anti-cheat software is already running in the background.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 16:42
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 16:42
Nov 10, 2024, 16:42
If it can reduce cheating in multiplayer I have no issue with it. Also I’d gladly buy Bloodborne on Steam and enter any account Sony would like. As far as single player yes that’s annoying but not a big deal, just don’t make me install a separate launcher like the idiots at EA do.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 16:33
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 16:33
Nov 10, 2024, 16:33
I have a PSN account because I have a PlayStation, and I have always felt safer playing games on PSN... too many suspicious dudes hanging out in the dark corners of my single player games on Xbox.
Avatar 15164
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 15:33
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 15:33
Nov 10, 2024, 15:33
If he wants to put an obstacle to a game, just make it a super-fabulous
I will sign up for a PSN account then

Trouble is, this guy has no idea what makes a great game
Lawyers and accountants - cannot make a great game
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 14:56
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 14:56
Nov 10, 2024, 14:56
What people find galling is the blatant dishonesty. Making some weak-ass excuse like this is just fucking insulting. Most people would at least have a modicum of respect for them if they just came out and said, 'Yeah, we're datamining....just like everyone else.

“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 11:41
El Pit
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 11:41
Nov 10, 2024, 11:41
 El Pit
The end: The uninformed and apathetic majority won't care about allowing another company to spy on them and Sony wins.
"There is no right life in the wrong one." (Theodor W. Adorno, philosopher)
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi)
Founder, president, and only member of the official "Grumpy Old Gamers Club". Please do not apply.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 11:32
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 11:32
Nov 10, 2024, 11:32
Zero fucks given about PSN requirement here. It's a complete non-issue. You also need a B.net account to play Diablo IV via Steam or EA, Ubi, Take2/Rockstar etc. accounts to play a myriad of high profile AAA games. It is completely silly to single out Sony as the villain. Must be mostly American gamers who still haven't gotten over Pearl Harbor or something...
-=Threadcrappeur Extraordinaire=-
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 11:27
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 11:27
Nov 10, 2024, 11:27
Simon Says wrote on Nov 10, 2024, 11:22:

"insisting that it's essential to ensure that "anybody can enjoy games safely.""

In single player games? LOL what?

Corporation. Corporation never changes.

Anyway, if Sony wants to gaslight gamers with its blatantly false advertising EVEN AFTER THE PC COMMUNITY REPEATEDLY SAID "NO" TO PSN, it can go ahead and lose sales.
It's almost 2025 FFS. We already have DRM in Steam and it can perfectly send whatever data SONY wants from the users, without having to sell their identity to shareholders once again.
Less is more.

This comment was edited on Nov 10, 2024, 11:51.
Re: Quoteworthy
Nov 10, 2024, 11:22
Re: Quoteworthy Nov 10, 2024, 11:22
Nov 10, 2024, 11:22

"insisting that it's essential to ensure that "anybody can enjoy games safely.""

In single player games? LOL what?

21 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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