Skip the outrage and just cancel your sub. Problem solved. Ublock Origin = problem really solved. When I watch YT in bed where my TV doesn't have a browser and UO I just skip videos that have a lot of ads. And when they start if they're more than 5s I either skip it or cancel it and reload it a few times until they either launch the video or just use a 5s ad. Most of the videos I just want to skim through initially to see if they're worth watching in the first place. The only reason these services got big was they were a decent and affordable alternative to cable TV. Well, if that's no longer the case people will just go back to cable or stick with even more alt streaming services. I've found a few channels through Roku that show tons of old TV shows and movies in good quality that are almost entirely ad free. There's no shortage of these things out there.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati