Cutter wrote on Nov 7, 2024, 23:32:
Lol! Just like I was wrong about the GOP sweeping this, huh? Jesus, the cognitive dissonance with some of you is just fucking mind-boggling. Trump did well in most things, and Biden was a walking, senile clusterfuck and you guys just can't stand that it's true. So in 4 years, when America is back in good shape again, what's the excuse going to be from you and your ilk then? The world is turning away from liberalism and with good cause. But you guys go right on pretending everyone else on Earth is wrong, it's all you can actually manage to do.
Let's pretend this argument was made in good faith. What it shows is an absolutely perfect example of "low information voter" though I would posit that it is really an example of "no information voter".
Cheetolini inherited a stable, peaceful country from President Obama. Was it perfect? No, but that is the nature of governance. But it was unarguably stable. What Cutter, and others like him, fail to realize is that there is an inherent lag cycle when policy changes are made. In fact, there are four parts to a lag cycle: recognition, policy, implementation, and response. Typically that lag cycle, especially in the US, takes years to fully complete and before any measurable outcome can occur. So all the "peace and prosperity" that Cutter is worshiping Cheetolini for? Those were all the effects of Obama's policies.
But there were some things that Cheetolini did that had very short responses. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic. His utter mismanagement of COVID lead to the deaths of 1.2 million Americans. His gutting of the CDC when we needed them most. His proclamations that bleach, horse dewormer, and hydroxychloroquine (which is primarily used to treat malaria) were effective treatments.His contemptible and spurious claims that it was "All going to go away by April" even though there was not yet an effective prophylactic vaccination in place. These all had immediate effects and they were all negative.
Then there's Cheetolini's threats to pull out of NATO (which definitely had a destabilizing effect), his actual pulling out of the Paris Agreement which put a damper on getting a grip on climate change, and his cozying up to Putin which emboldened Putin.
Cutter speaks of cognitive dissonance yet his complete lack of awareness of how things actually happen, and why, paints a pretty clear picture of his own dissonance. But, like everyone else who worships a wannabe fascist tyrant because they themselves are weak people, he is blind to his own dissonance.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.
“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.