The first key area of improvement to the game is combat where we see a real opportunity to add more depth and excitement to the experience, further rewarding your tactics and precision. Our second key area is stealth which is not only about improving the readability and consistency of enemy detection, but also providing choice in how you want to approach each encounter. Finally, our third key area of focus is centered around the character controls, which means improving the reliability of cover, increasing the responsiveness of climbing and crouching, and generally improving the consistency of the controls overall.
You can expect to see more details about how we will be celebrating and embracing player choice more than ever before, whether it's sneaking through encounters, going in blasters-blazing, or everything in-between. We will provide more specific details about the changes to these areas and more in the upcoming weeks as we provide further updates to you. All of this will culminate in the release of Title Update 1.4 which will release on November 21st alongside the Steam launch and first story pack, Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card.
Kajetan wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 04:10:
Every cent Ubisoft invests further in this game is a good example of a sunk-cost fallacy. SW Outlaws is already a financial failure. It will not recover from that, but they keep on throwing money at it, because they already invested a lot.
The most significant update yet will be released on November 21 with the
fourth Title Update that will include further improvements to combat and stealth, and will
launch alongside the release on Steam as well as the first story pack, Wild Card, with fan-
favorite Lando Calrissian from the original trilogy. This should engage a large audience during
the holiday season and position the game as a strong long-term performer.
VaranDragon wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 09:59:OhLordNick wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:36:
As a person who only get about 6 hours a week of gaming time (work, parenting, life, etc.), it's beyond annoying when I spend an hour sneaking around in a stealth mission to make one unfortunate mistake, get swarmed and killed, and have to start the mission over from scratch.
Why don't you just hide in a bush, insta disappear and then just punch them out one by one and hide back in the bush between each punch?
_Cory wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 09:25:MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:34:jdreyer wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:20:Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:Andor is the best thing to use the Star Wars IP in decades. Zero force powers. Good Star Wars doesn't have to have the Force.
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
I was going to say, weren't there two Dark Forces games, plus X-Wing, TIE Fighter games, plus that star wars RTS?
I am probably forgetting another couple.
Star Wars: Republic Commando is like the best Star Wars game of all time and you play as a clone trooper the whole time.
OhLordNick wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:36:
As a person who only get about 6 hours a week of gaming time (work, parenting, life, etc.), it's beyond annoying when I spend an hour sneaking around in a stealth mission to make one unfortunate mistake, get swarmed and killed, and have to start the mission over from scratch.
MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:34:jdreyer wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:20:Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:Andor is the best thing to use the Star Wars IP in decades. Zero force powers. Good Star Wars doesn't have to have the Force.
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
I was going to say, weren't there two Dark Forces games, plus X-Wing, TIE Fighter games, plus that star wars RTS?
I am probably forgetting another couple.
jdreyer wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:20:+1Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:Andor is the best thing to use the Star Wars IP in decades. Zero force powers. Good Star Wars doesn't have to have the Force.
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
jdreyer wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 08:20:Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:Andor is the best thing to use the Star Wars IP in decades. Zero force powers. Good Star Wars doesn't have to have the Force.
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:Andor is the best thing to use the Star Wars IP in decades. Zero force powers. Good Star Wars doesn't have to have the Force.
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
Flo wrote on Nov 5, 2024, 03:22:
Star Wars Outlaws, the NOT-Force-powered action/adventure.
Seriously, I don't see how they can fix the fundamental flaws of this title.
Prez wrote on Nov 4, 2024, 23:29:
I would make the stealth missions more dynamic and completely do away with the incredibly annoying insta-fails. I would also fix the stupid damage model. The same troops that can take 4 direct headshots before dying being punched out by a 120 pound girl while they are wearing helmets really does need to be fixed as it is a bit too stupid even for Star Wars. Give her a stun baton, give her a different takedown animation (maybe choke them out by grabbing them below the helmet), or just give her a silent laser weapon that stuns. SOMETHING. As it is right now I just can't take it seriously.