Re: Evening Tech Bits
Oct 19, 2024, 15:30
Re: Evening Tech Bits Oct 19, 2024, 15:30
Oct 19, 2024, 15:30
El Pit wrote on Oct 19, 2024, 08:34:
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Oct 18, 2024, 22:42:
Saboth wrote on Oct 18, 2024, 20:11:
Some of were shopping for appliances when Trump's Tariffs hit in his first term. Prices went up several hundred dollars almost overnight, across the board.
Sounds like a good reason for you to support local manufacturing and blue-collar jobs.
Sure, just pay the workers higher wages to afford the higher prices of the products. But this would increase the prices even more, but even higher wages will fix this, but OH NO this would lead to even higher prices, so about even higher wages? And so on. Selling more expensive products on the global market will also be rather difficult.

Take the money from the already vastly overpaid executive class and shareholders. There's more than enough to go around, it's just a tiny percentage of people hoarding it all like fucking dragons. I don't have a problem with people getting rich. I do when it's done by not paying their fair share - or any at all - or worse still actually get tax subsidies on top of not paying taxes. Trump killed the TPP and you should count your lucky fucking stars for that. Hillary wanted to ratify it. Never forget that. That would have been the final nail in the coffin of the American worker. Tariffs are good. It makes those rich parasites move production here. America was never stronger or better for most then when it had strong protectionism and unions. People bitch about bringing manufacturing home. Tariffs are how it's done. Short term pain for long term gain. The Dems want to hollow out what's left of American manufacturing.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Oct 18, 20:11Oct 18 20:11
Oct 18, 22:42Oct 18 22:42
Oct 19, 07:59Oct 19 07:59
Oct 19, 08:34Oct 19 08:34
Oct 19, 15:30Oct 19 15:30
   Re: Evening Tech Bits
Oct 18, 21:54Oct 18 21:54
Oct 19, 01:17Oct 19 01:17
Oct 19, 03:42Oct 19 03:42
Oct 19, 09:02Oct 19 09:02
Oct 19, 13:06Oct 19 13:06
Oct 19, 16:59Oct 19 16:59