Slick wrote on Oct 13, 2024, 10:55:
MyRealName wrote on Oct 12, 2024, 06:41:
I remember way back when we were all up in arms about this new Steam thing and its newfangled ways. No way, we said! Since then, "we've" (you've) all gotten in bed and boiled the frog, to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of rented (and restricted) titles each.
Said it back then and I'll say it again: Fuck renting. Fuck control. Fuck Steam.
Nice to see a post with a sense of proper historical context that everyone has since forgot. You know cause it's from 20 years ago, in the long long ago.
Pepperidge farm remembers.
We're all guilty of this. I hated Steam too, it sucked, but then slowly it became not-so-bad, now it is quite-good. FWIW I once backed up most of my GOG installers to an external HDD, I actually spent the time it took downloading/copying all those installers... then the HDD crashed and was unrecoverable, so in the end it was all just a waste of bandwidth. In that time I have had zero wish that I had sudden quick LOCAL access to my game installers. So it's all a bit... yes, a nice service, and commendable, but it's not a feature I end up making any use of.