GOG.com on Game Ownership

GOG.com had some fun at the expense of rival store Steam in a posting on X following the news that Valve has a new checkout warning reinforcing that licensed games on Steam are not owned. All games sold on GOG are DRM-free, and cannot be revoked, resulting in a little pwnership on ownership:
Since checkout banners are trending, we're thinking of putting one up ourselves. Thoughts on this one?

A purchase of a digital product on GOG grants you its Offline Installers, which cannot be taken away from you.
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Re: GOG.com on Game Ownership
Oct 12, 2024, 12:56
El Pit
Re: GOG.com on Game Ownership Oct 12, 2024, 12:56
Oct 12, 2024, 12:56
 El Pit
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Oct 12, 2024, 10:52:
GoG doesn't really have room to talk. With the wording of their post, just because you have access to their offline installers doesn't mean those installer wouldn't have some way of blocking you otherwise. Such as you go to install a game and it says you can't because your license was revoked.

The whole thing sucks honestly. I was so pissed off when I found out that I HAD to have Steam in order to play my physical copy of Skyrim that I almost returned the game. I was avoiding getting a Steam account for this very reason and now here we are.
They have all the room to talk. Download an offline installer from GOG, terminate your internet connection, install the downloaded game, and you will find out for yourself. You can install the game on ANY pc - no need to have Galaxy installed or even any GOG account linked to that certain computer. Great, right?

There is an easy way to solve the licensing problem customer-friendly: the license should be for the game, i.e. not limited to a certain digital shop. Then again, this would end any competition between the shops, so no more sales and the same prices everywhere. In the end selling offline installers would be the best solution for the consumers and would still allow competition. But the entertainment industry won't give up the right to take the "borrowed" game/license from you whenever they want to force you to "buy" a license for the remaster, remake, or sequel.

I fear for GOG, because the other shops will now shout "unfair competition" instead of using their power to make big companies accept the sale of offline installers on every platform. Or will you stand up and fight for the gamers, Gabe? Gabi-Wan, you are our only hope.

This comment was edited on Oct 12, 2024, 14:02.
In the current political and social climate, don't be an aggressive monkey . Show that you have evolved that important thin sugar coating called civilization. Don't fall for the fools.
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 Re: GOG.com on Game Ownership
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