GOG.com had some fun at the expense of
rival store Steam in a
posting on X
following the news that
Valve has a new checkout warning reinforcing that licensed games on Steam are
not owned. All games sold on GOG are DRM-free, and cannot be revoked, resulting
in a little pwnership on ownership:
Since checkout banners are trending,
we're thinking of putting one up ourselves. Thoughts on this one?
A purchase of a digital product on GOG grants you its Offline Installers, which
cannot be taken away from you.
I remember way back when we were all up in arms about this new Steam thing and its newfangled ways. No way, we said! Since then, "we've" (you've) all gotten in bed and boiled the frog, to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of rented (and restricted) titles each.
Said it back then and I'll say it again: Fuck renting. Fuck control. Fuck Steam.