Out of the Blue

Well, I've already had a full day, as an odd mishap with my editor deleted the entire bluesnews directory on my local PC (the danger of working with two decade-old software, I suppose). I was able to restore it from a backup, but lost the draft of today's news, which was a pain. I managed to piece most of it back together, which involved working through my email trash, which sort of feels like eating out of the dumpster. It was definitely more excitement than necessary for first thing in the morning, but at least everything is mostly back under control at this point.

Obituary: Anime Voice Actress Nobuyo Oyama, Voice of Doraemon and Danganronpa's Villainous Mascot, Dies at 90 - IGN.

Fixed-up Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.

Breakfast Link






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Re: Boeing files unfair labor practice charge against striking union - Reuters.
Oct 12, 2024, 04:46
Re: Boeing files unfair labor practice charge against striking union - Reuters. Oct 12, 2024, 04:46
Oct 12, 2024, 04:46
Haha, I know that feeling - when something occurs to make you hate a band. In my case, an entire subset of music. I said that I learned an appreciation for music; but there remains one type that I absolutely cannot stand: contemporary country. (Well, it was "contemporary" at the time anyway...) Think anything from Garth Brooks and Dwight Yoakam on. My ex-wife listened to it to death. Constantly. On drives up north to our families houses, I had the choice of country music or Conservative talk radio - Rush Limbaugh. Sean Hannity. Michael Savage. Glenn Beck. and so on, and so on... For 18 hours. So I instead got to listen to "Springsteen" and "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" and the like. Over, and over, and overandoverandoverand... I mean, there's no fuckin way I was going to listen to 18 hours of conservative talk radio... At home, it was on constantly. CONSTANTLY.

What boss? Work 4 extra hours overtime tonight? Hell yes!!!

This comment was edited on Oct 12, 2024, 05:21.
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
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Oct 11, 12:29Oct 11 12:29
Oct 11, 12:50Oct 11 12:50
Oct 11, 14:32Oct 11 14:32
Oct 12, 04:46Oct 12 04:46
         Re: Boeing files unfair labor practice charge against striking union - Reuters.
Oct 11, 17:16Oct 11 17:16
Oct 12, 08:16Oct 12 08:16