Dungeon Siege Delay

Microsoft just sent over a press release announcing that Dungeon Siege, their and Gas Powered Games' highly anticipated RPG, is being delayed until an unspecified time next year. The release is short, so here's the whole deal:

August 16, 2001 – Redmond, WA -- Microsoft and Gas Powered Games have made the careful decision not to release Dungeon Siege in the fall of 2001. Both companies remain extremely excited about the game and are committed to completing the title and bringing the highly anticipated game to store shelves in 2002.

“Our decision to delay the release of Dungeon Siege is one of the toughest we’ve had to make, but we firmly believe that this is the right choice given that one of the most critical steps in creating an RPG is the tuning and balancing stage,” said Chris Taylor, Lead Designer, Gas Powered Games. “We’ve made a promise to build a game that delivers an over-the-top experience, and we’ll do whatever it takes to deliver on that promise.”

This new development schedule will deliver the high-quality RPG game that fans demand and expect from Microsoft and Gas Powered Games. Additional updates will be posted on Dungeon Siege’s official website at http://www.microsoft.com/games/dungeonsiege/.
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39 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: ?
Aug 21, 2001, 01:41
Re: ? Aug 21, 2001, 01:41
Aug 21, 2001, 01:41
Thank god for TA, if it was not made, I would be another starcrap groupie. Becuase of the delay of SC (remember?), I saw an ad in PC Gamer about a "new" 3D game. The world hasn't been the same since. Heck, I even made it over to Atlanta during the E3 conference there when TA was TEN's rpg tourney and met Chris Taylor and the whole gang. Those were the days. As to the rest of you masses that gave up on TA too soon, there is still time to play. WWW.yankspankers.com is making the game more "playable" for all you TA-newbies.

Get both....
Aug 20, 2001, 04:41
Get both.... Aug 20, 2001, 04:41
Aug 20, 2001, 04:41
The guy who suggested getting both games said a mouthful. Gods sake, it's not like choosing which car to buy - have both!


Aug 19, 2001, 01:28
TORN Aug 19, 2001, 01:28
Aug 19, 2001, 01:28
TORN wasn't cancelled because nobody was interested, it was cancelled because the Lithtech engine was chugging like they couldn't believe (supposedly), you'd think they'd have noticed earlier but I guess not. and the early screenshots with the "placeholder" effects didn't inspire my confidence either....you don't demo a game by showing off "placeholder" effects...you either show of landscape/characters and wait untill your effects are finished to show them off...but, oh well...Icewind Dale 2 here I come :O
Re: DS stuff
Aug 18, 2001, 06:26
Re: DS stuff Aug 18, 2001, 06:26
Aug 18, 2001, 06:26
I agree with 33. But assuming they're both good (NWN almost seems impossible not to be--you can see they're really paying attention to details, and Bioware/BIS has a great reputation), and you can get both, why not do so? Good games are rare enough these days as it is. There's not really any need to make it harder.
Aug 18, 2001, 05:58
=0( Aug 18, 2001, 05:58
Aug 18, 2001, 05:58
Re: who cares
Aug 18, 2001, 01:44
Re: who cares Aug 18, 2001, 01:44
Aug 18, 2001, 01:44
You gotta look at it like Star Wars with little kids. Those kids who are just gettig into gaming are hearing of Warcraft/diablo/starcraft/red alert. The majority of those wont have a clue what TA is. Unfortunate

<shrug> Not really.

--"An eye for an eye would make the world blind" -Ghandi
--"A tooth for a tooth would be great for Jello." -NMG

Not Much Good
DS stuff
Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
DS stuff Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
First of all, it's great to see the reference to hack. I feel the love. Second of all, I don't see how ppl can really compare DS w/ NWN. I'd recommend NWN only if you really love D&D. If ya do, then this is the game for you if you must choose. If you're apathetic, or you know even a little bit of programming, or want to use the game w/ the MORE POWERFUL (and easier from my understanding) editor, you must obviously choose DS.
Will NWN be full 3d? No
Will NWN have load screens and separate areas and monsters that can't figure out how to follow you when you leave the screen? Yes
Will DS have a live DM to tweak the role-playing aspect of the game and throw in unexpected kinks into the gaming experience? No
Which will have the bigger landscape? DS obviously will have the bigger single area, but when you talk about multiple servers, it's impossible to tell. The possibilities are mind-boggling for both games.

Guys, go to the forums for both games (www.planetdungeonsiege.com and then that other site for NWN), learn as much as possible for each game, and become all-consumed by the games before you choose which to get if you only get one.

And enjoy!

Re: Fear NWN
Aug 17, 2001, 11:21
Re: Fear NWN Aug 17, 2001, 11:21
Aug 17, 2001, 11:21
OK guys, you got a point there. I also don't think that NWN will be the best RPG ever, which can never be surpassed. I just love the idea of creating my own modules with the NWN Engine and hosting them as a Dungeon Master. I guess Dungeon Siege will be more like Diablo II (which isn't a bad thing, hell, I already pre-ordered it) and NWN more like...ah well...D&D
Sure, there are (and hopefully will be) other games than D&D , but I'll be happy with "Black Isle's baby"
BTW: I also loved Fallout

Supporter of the "Chewbacca Defense"
Re: No subject
Aug 17, 2001, 07:01
Re: No subject Aug 17, 2001, 07:01
Aug 17, 2001, 07:01
You sir, are a bloody bugger too.

Actually, the "2" was not a hyperlink for some reason, when I made that comment. Now that I revisit the page, it is magically turning into a hyperlink.

Must be gremlins. Bloody gremlins again.

Buggers the lot of you.
Re: Fear NWN
Aug 17, 2001, 06:16
Re: Fear NWN Aug 17, 2001, 06:16
Aug 17, 2001, 06:16
I'm looking forward to DS more than NWN at the moment. I'll be getting both, mark my words, but I honestly believe that they are two quite different games. I see DS as being hack done 3d (anyone who doesn't know hack should stop calling themselves a fantasy computer RPGer and walk away now), whereas NWN is pen-and-paper D&D done on a computer.
NWN has already been slipped to Q1 2001, and now so has DS. We'll be seeing NWN either slip more or ship with a patch practically required - this is a *complex* game and very ambitious.
I'd like to see a bit more variety in my RPGs beyond the D&D model, too. NWN will be the last word in orcs-and-goblins stat-driven level-based tactical non-arcadey D&D-style RPGs, but lets not kid ourselves that that is all there is to RPGs. Fallout still ranks as one of my favourite RPGs and it is not D&D or a D&D world even tho it does fit the levels/tactics/non-arcade model. I play Baldurs Gate and Diablo II - they are both cookie-cutter fantasy but one is an action hacker and one isn't.
NWN is a brave step forward with allowing players to DM games over the net. If NWN is profitable we will see more of this kind of thing in future. If it isn't (even if it is fantastic) then we won't.

Saying NWN is the last word in RPGs and everyone else may as well give up would be like saying half-life is the last word in FPS games, so may as well not make games like Deus Ex, Thief2 or Unreal Tournament.

Dungeon Siege and NWN will be two very different games, and in all probability both succeed for very different reasons.

Oh, and Throne of Darkness looks ever so cool.
Re: Fear NWN
Aug 17, 2001, 05:30
Re: Fear NWN Aug 17, 2001, 05:30
Aug 17, 2001, 05:30
"...Black Isle's baby will be the final word in fantasy roleplaying... I mean NWN will transfer the whole Pen and Paper D&D to the PC"

It'll be the final word in fantasy roleplaying if you like D&D. Obviously going by TORN's fate Interplay is assuming everyone who has ever role-played thinks D&D is the be-all and end-all of RPGs, and will continue to churn them out until the market collapses (much like TSR did back in the late 80s - early 90s)... but I hope there's still room for other CRPGs to push the envelope.

fantasy CRPGs are enough of a maligned niche market already without every single one being a cookie-cutter orcs, goblins, +10 swords of wounding and chainmail bikini slog.
Fear NWN
Aug 17, 2001, 04:56
Fear NWN Aug 17, 2001, 04:56
Aug 17, 2001, 04:56
Dungeon Siege better be out before NWN, since Black Isle's baby will be the final word in fantasy roleplaying (sounds like a press announcement but I think it's true). I mean NWN will transfer the whole Pen and Paper D&D to the PC with everyone being able to create their own modules, etc...
Sounds like a dream for a Roleplaying Fan like myself....

Supporter of the "Chewbacca Defense"
Aug 17, 2001, 04:51
Hmmm.... Aug 17, 2001, 04:51
Aug 17, 2001, 04:51
If it IS being delayed slightly to facilitate a PC / Xbox release, then at least the team might actually make some money from creating the damn thing.

After three years in development it's fairly sure that they won't with a sole platform PC release.


Re: who cares
Aug 17, 2001, 04:34
Re: who cares Aug 17, 2001, 04:34
Aug 17, 2001, 04:34
"And Microsoft is involved, it will be jacked in someway."

As a publisher goes, Microsoft isn't bad. They have stability and influence with retail outlets. The only bad things with a Microsoft relation is when it comes to having "MSN Zone ONLY" multiplayer, and the chances of them allowing for a port to anything other than X-Box is nearly impossible.

Re: Dungeon....
Aug 17, 2001, 02:52
Re: Dungeon.... Aug 17, 2001, 02:52
Aug 17, 2001, 02:52
Planet Dungeon Siege has some comments by one of their programmers on the topic, and a post on this (http://www.forumplanet.com/planetdungeonsiege/topic.asp?fid=2980&tid=279687&p=4) page from Chris Taylor.
Re: Dungeon....
Aug 17, 2001, 02:33
Re: Dungeon.... Aug 17, 2001, 02:33
Aug 17, 2001, 02:33
be honest...how long do you think it will be until neverwinter nights pushes their release date....does anybody really think theres a remote possibility of it hitting its "winter 2001" planned date?

Re: No subject
Aug 17, 2001, 02:00
Re: No subject Aug 17, 2001, 02:00
Aug 17, 2001, 02:00
You know, I posted the original number 1 post on this subject, and I think the man who deleted the post is a bloody bugger.

Try checking page 2. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Re: No subject
Aug 17, 2001, 01:00
Re: No subject Aug 17, 2001, 01:00
Aug 17, 2001, 01:00

You know, I posted the original number 1 post on this subject, and I think the man who deleted the post is a bloody bugger.
In Defense of Total Annihilation
Aug 16, 2001, 22:18
In Defense of Total Annihilation Aug 16, 2001, 22:18
Aug 16, 2001, 22:18
This is just my two cents worth, but I'm convinced that Total Annihilation is the most sophisticated RTS to date. It still boggles my mind (I know that's not saying much) that TA didn't catch on with the masses. I think the problem was the initial learning curve. Just because you can jump right in and start playing a game doesn't necessarily mean its a better game. It might mean that it lacks depth in functionality. Once I learned how to play TA all other RTSs were frustrating due to the amount of micromanagement they require. Every C&C game was the same game play with better graphics. There was zero evolution from Dune II. The same goes for Warcraft/Starcraft. Its sad to think that the majority of RTS players are too lazy or too dumb to make the quantum leap to a higher level of game play. It would be no less absurd if email never caught on because hand written letters were easier to do.


"Walk without rhythm, and you won't attract the worm."

"Not all those who wander are lost."
Dungeon...."SNEEZE!" ..."Achooooo!"
Aug 16, 2001, 22:03
Dungeon...."SNEEZE!" ..."Achooooo!" Aug 16, 2001, 22:03
Aug 16, 2001, 22:03

Who cares about Dungeon Siege?

Never Winter Nights is going to clean house on the momma's boy MMORPG's (forgot the 's ) ... mark my illustrious words.

This comment was edited on Aug 16, 22:06.
-The Dude-

Vic B.
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