I started light gaming in the 70s as a child, and didn't start hardcore gaming (8 hours a day) until the late 90s (CS 0.8 the first online game for me) while living abroad with no friends around: multplayer has been my lifeline for over two decades now living abroad in different countries. Nowadays, in my 50s, I play a max one hour a day, R6Siege or MW3 (I can still be #1 from time to time ;)), as well as single player. My reflexes are fine; however, not on PC anymore, only console for online shooters. Those days of TF2, Tribes, CS, etc. with m/k are long gone for me! The main issues I see at my age are terrible behaviour in Siege, so all voice chat and messages are disabled, or simply far too many rehashed games. I really do miss the years 2000-2010, when gaming was fresh, exciting, original etc. for us.