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Re: Rumor Mill
Oct 2, 2024, 12:49
Re: Rumor Mill Oct 2, 2024, 12:49
Oct 2, 2024, 12:49
Haha, we'll have to wait and see about that "next" part .

The DLC is obviously selling abysmally bad on PC. Starfield is currently #87 in 'most played' on Steam. It was not even in the top 100 earlier today (EU early afternoon time). The player numbers are abysmal for a game that just received its first DLC.

It is well deserved though because the DLC is boring as fuck. It will be interesting to see if/when M$ finally lose their patience with Bethesda and pull the plug...
-=Threadcrappeur Extraordinaire=-
Re: Rumor Mill
Oct 2, 2024, 13:43
Re: Rumor Mill Oct 2, 2024, 13:43
Oct 2, 2024, 13:43
Hopefully not another year long + wait.

I'm in I guess. Provided I watch some honest reviews about it.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

ALSO: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/
Avatar 58207
Re: Rumor Mill
Oct 2, 2024, 15:27
Re: Rumor Mill Oct 2, 2024, 15:27
Oct 2, 2024, 15:27
The amount of money they want for a DLC that has an unfinished quest line they admit will require more money to finish.......just wow....
Avatar 55841
Re: Rumor Mill
Oct 2, 2024, 19:01
Re: Rumor Mill Oct 2, 2024, 19:01
Oct 2, 2024, 19:01
RogueSix wrote on Oct 2, 2024, 12:49:
The DLC is obviously selling abysmally bad on PC. Starfield is currently #87 in 'most played' on Steam. It was not even in the top 100 earlier today (EU early afternoon time). The player numbers are abysmal for a game that just received its first DLC.
Ah, that's certainly not how the Todd sees it:

Before the DLC was released the game had around 10k daily players on Steam. Now it's almost 20k! So the active daily players have doubled with the DLC (doubled I say!).

Also, SF has now almost as many players as Skyrim. But because a lot more Steam users own Skyrim than SF the percentage of players in relation to owners is much higher than Skyrim. Therefore more successful than Skyrim! And in a much shorter time frame!

Joking aside, $30 / 30 € / ₤26 for this DLC is downright insolent. Just needed to say that
Re: Rumor Mill
Oct 3, 2024, 10:54
Re: Rumor Mill Oct 3, 2024, 10:54
Oct 3, 2024, 10:54
I bought Skyrim 3 times, over about 15 years. Maybe I'll buy Starfield once... in a few years. When it's finished. And polished.

Not looking good for this year.
5 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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