Re: Morning Postmortems/Retrospectives
Oct 1, 2024, 12:58
Re: Morning Postmortems/Retrospectives Oct 1, 2024, 12:58
Oct 1, 2024, 12:58
Some people also forget that Witcher 3 was a bug mess at launch and it took many many patches to get it to where it's held in such high status. Thankfully, I didn't fall for the hype and actually had no interest in it until maybe year 2 since it's release? At that point, plenty of patches, ran incredible, they added a new moving schema where you can turn nearly immediately rather than running in like an oval path to turn. Game was incredible.

At this point, CP2077, if I ever get around to playing it, I'm sure it will be the experience the developers wish they gave at launch. For those that played it at launch and got burned, well, that does suck because they did overhype it to all hell. If you still found enjoyment through the botched launch, then that's also cool because some people have less patient than others to deal with issues or say, we'll that's not so bad, I can live with it...
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Oct 1, 12:58Oct 1 12:58
Re: Morning Postmortems/Retrospectives
Oct 2, 06:48Oct 2 06:48
Oct 1, 19:32Oct 1 19:32