It is with great sadness that I report that, at least for the time being,
loonyboi has accepted a part-time position on
Shacknews. Make no mistake,
this is fallout from all the bad Internet mojo that's been floating around for
some time now, and while there have been some promising developments lately,
loony found himself unable to continue to work on the promise of being paid for
his work in the future, because, as you can imagine, even if you are willing to
accept such promises yourself, it's difficult to get people like grocers and
landlords to likewise accept them. This is not the final word on this subject,
as the door will remain open should we be able to return enough deposit bottles
to satisfy those grocers and landlords, but sadly, for the time being we must
bid a fond fondue to the first Blue's News employee, and send him off into
"the world" with our best wishes.
Link of the Day: Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus.
Java required. Thanks Brendan Reville.
Bonus Link: Ja Da.
Flash required. Thanks Jekub, nin, and Brian. Warning... contains chubby nude
Story of the Day: Insurance
blowout threatens rabbit skinning titles ( Thanks again Brendan Reville.
Quote: "I'm a little bit devastated because really it's not the sort of
thing we make a lot of money from, the day is more about entertainment."
Weird Science: Artist Wants to Paint Moon, But Physics May Foil Plan
(Space.Com). Thanks Mike Martinez.