Link of the Day: Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus.
Java required. Thanks Brendan Reville.
Bonus Link: Ja Da.
Flash required. Thanks Jekub, nin, and Brian. Warning... contains chubby nude
Story of the Day: Insurance
blowout threatens rabbit skinning titles ( Thanks again Brendan Reville.
Quote: "I'm a little bit devastated because really it's not the sort of
thing we make a lot of money from, the day is more about entertainment."
Weird Science: Artist Wants to Paint Moon, But Physics May Foil Plan
(Space.Com). Thanks Mike Martinez.
Its probably the most expensive part to maintainActually, it isn't.
i'm sure most people get files from avault or fileplanet or IGN first before bluesnewsWell, that's pretty rare since most of the files we post locally are received directly from the developer/publisher and posted before any other sites, or at a scheduled time together with few others. We feel it's a useful service and there's no immediate reason to discontinue it now (after all, it's only a small archive, we're no FilePlanet or anything
Will miss the only man to ask me if my nick is an item or an actuall name...
I was confused for a second by that too..but that Blue guy is named Steve too right
3. How many times do I have to ask-BEG-for an opportunity to support Blue's News? Again, I *want* to give you money.
We are working on ways to accommodate something like that, but they'll be announced by Steve once the time is there.
1. Bye Jason. I am sad to see you go and wish the best of luck to you.Ditto.
2. What all led up to this? You would think that Jason would still stick around in some shape or form...The UGO cutbacks in January, and the difficulties in securing other sources of revenue since then. Jason already stuck around for seven months, and could no longer afford to continue that. That's basically in Steve's story.
3. How many times do I have to ask-BEG-for an opportunity to support Blue's News? Again, I *want* to give you money.We are working on ways to accommodate something like that, but they'll be announced by Steve once the time is there.
4. What are the current plans? New editor(s)? Less updates? Major/minor changes?As few changes as possible, news coverage as before. Although the daily Consolation round-up (which Jason compiled) will likely suffer.
6. How far...close are we to a dead Blue's News site?Not even close.
Hey, is loonyboi taking his 'pile-o-stuff' with him or did I just miss the announcement of the winner?