Re: Engagement Ring
Sep 23, 2024, 13:04
Re: Engagement Ring Sep 23, 2024, 13:04
Sep 23, 2024, 13:04
WaltSee wrote on Sep 23, 2024, 12:31:
I like the GoW games very much, but I will wait until the Sony account stipulation is removed before I pick up Ragnarök. I have no need for a Sony account.

You're gonna be waiting a long, long time.

I agree that Sony's requirement to log into PSN (with literally zero benefits to the user for doing so) is stupid. They're absolutely doing it because it's easier for them to collate data for stockholder meetings, and maybe also so they can send you emails. It has NO value. If it was optional, but gave you trophies on the PSN network, that'd be SORT OF a reason to do it, if you're into that. Maybe some in-game content! But no, Sony hasn't learned to offer anything AT ALL for their additional-account requirement.

I have a PSN account, because I have a Playstation. If I didn't, I wouldn't have one, simple as that. Especially with as many breaches as Sony's had, where MULTIPLE TIMES their customer data was found in plaintext formats.

Still, people by EA and Ubi games on Steam all the time, and those don't just require a separate account, but a separate launcher as well. So maybe it's not a big deal? But maybe also Sony could make it of some value to the end use, not just themselves.

Edited spelling

This comment was edited on Sep 23, 2024, 13:29.
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