First of all, while there is literally nothing that I can say to make the situation suck any less, I know from my own serious health issues and severe family struggles that we sometimes need to talk and be heard; we're not looking for any advice all the time. I know that some of us will speak up and empathize and sympathize, while others will remain silent because they don't really know what to say.
I will offer my own advice based on experience (both with the medical field and with extremely troublesome parents). My stroke should have been fatal, and if it wasn't, I shouldn't be much more than a vegetable now, unable to speak, think, get out of bed, or eat. There is never a hard fast answer that can come with a medical diagnosis. There are possibilities, likelihoods, extreme likelihoods... But no certainties. We all have a date where we will cease to be. You just have the misfortune of knowing yours more specifically than most people do. I don't think that I will make it another 10 years, and to be brutally honest, I don't want to. I live every single day like it's the last day I will spend on this earth. I tell my sister that I love her and appreciate her every day. I tell my son that he is what I am most proud of in my life. Every single time I talk to him. My daughter has long since severed all contact with me but I have given my son a message to give to her that I am not upset, I love her more than life itself, and to try desperately to be happy her whole life.
That brings us around to my parents. They abused me. All 3 of their children are seriously mentally ill because of what they did to us. My mom is the abuser, my dad is the enabler. When I first moved in with my sister a little over a year ago, my mother immediately tried manipulating me and controlling me as if making up for lost time. I had spoken to my therapist about it at length, and she taught me about boundaries. No matter who it is, you need to protect yourself, and the only way you can do that is with boundaries. Create for yourself immovable boundaries for each person in your life that they cannot under any circumstance cross. They won't like it, but that's their problem, not yours. Make it clear that the only way that they can maintain a relationship with you is to honor your boundaries. They will cross them, at least once but probably more than once. Do not break. Do not bend. Your boundaries are yours and they are non-negotiable.
I thought for certain that this would mean that I would never have a relationship with my mother again. I told her that I love her, but I would sacrifice everything to make sure that she would honor my boundaries. And holy shit, it worked. My mom and dad look like they are tasting shit whenever they come over, but they honor my boundaries, and we can have a relationship. Best of luck to you friend. ❤️
This comment was edited on Sep 18, 2024, 21:33.
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."