The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5

The Future is Plumbob Green is a post from EA about the future of The Sims, its lifestyle simulation series. There's word on plans to test the upcoming multiplayer play, saying: "There will be a small invite-only playtest for Rene this Fall 2024, giving an early look at a multiplayer experience that explores joining friends and other players at a shared location." Amid discussion of new content, a new creator program, and plans for a film based on the games (which better be entirely in Simlish with subtitles), there's word that rather than make The Sims 5, it's time to settle in and concentrate on iterating and improving The Sims 4, while making it sound like this will still head in new directions and onto new platforms:
When we talk about The Sims as an entertainment platform driven by our community, it’s because we see the future of The Sims as more than any one title. We’re expanding the franchise to better serve the diverse needs of the growing number of Simmers around the world. The Sims will move beyond linear, sequential Sims releases and offer more options for players than ever before. We’re focused on creating a variety of games and experiences that will touch different categories across the simulated life genre including cozy games, social and collaborative based gameplay, mobile narrative games and continued depth, improvements, and modernization of The Sims 4, which will continue to be a foundational Sims experience.

We’re creating new and innovative experiences that connect with players on their terms, wherever they are and however they choose to play. These explorations are being tested via The Sims Labs including individual features from Project Rene, a story driven mobile test, enhancements to The Sims 4 with discovery and search tools, creator tools, and more.
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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 17, 2024, 22:07
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 17, 2024, 22:07
Sep 17, 2024, 22:07
The Sims really is a game primed to be a service rather then a new game every couple of years. I will be honest, I think Madden and FIFA and all those sports games should just go as a service and stop with the yearly releases as well. There aren't enough changes annually to warrant a new game purchase and they would probably make more money that way selling DLC etc anyway. It seems to me that would be an easier way to be a year round business that can afford itself.

EA just hasn't been willing to take that step yet with any franchise and I am not sure why. For Madden fans, we literally know that year to year the game will be very similar, if not the same. Why not just take that complaint right out of our mouths? They could charge me up to 60-70 dollars a year and I would be paying the same I pay annually to buy the game AND they would have me as a potential buyer of DLC year round, not just during football season.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the always online thing with single player games, but these are franchises where being online has become fundemental to some aspects of the gameplay, like it or not. In the Sims you download stuff. There isnt an offical way to play multiplayer, just a mod that only works on LANS. If they went service and added multiplayer so people could show off their stuff and have their Sims interact...that would be a value increase to the player. In Madden and FIFA you can do nearly every mode in online multiplayer of some sort. Even when you are playing a solo franchise, you are really just creating a online league for one human. It really is time that they stopped with this yearly edition stuff and started to plan their business in a way that actually makes sense instead of what "we always have done".

Just my two cents I guess.

This comment was edited on Sep 17, 2024, 22:29.
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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 17, 2024, 22:51
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 17, 2024, 22:51
Sep 17, 2024, 22:51
This is the status quo isn't it?

It went free to play years ago.
Game has been out for a decade.
16 major expansion packs, most recent this year
countless other content packs
and highly moddable

Avatar 17249
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 17, 2024, 23:36
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 17, 2024, 23:36
Sep 17, 2024, 23:36
I agree that the Sims did GaaS right but not all games can follow the same model. With multiplayer coming, I wonder how that with impact the modding community which I think is a big part of what still drives sales. Hopefully they embrace a way to allow mods to be shared or some method to align them between players.
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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 18, 2024, 04:19
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 18, 2024, 04:19
Sep 18, 2024, 04:19
So it’s taking after Overwatch then. Instead of making a whole new game or using the original as a base. They will now just take existing games add some features and effectively call it a sequel.

The future of gaming everyone. Bloody hell

This comment was edited on Sep 18, 2024, 08:24.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 18, 2024, 07:51
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 18, 2024, 07:51
Sep 18, 2024, 07:51
EA really dropped the ball by taking so long on this. It was so focused on milking expansions for The Sims 4 that inZOI has come along and looks to redefine the entire genre.

My wife was a bit fan of The Sims but now is super hyped for inZOI. Heck, even I think it looks like a blast.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 18, 2024, 10:24
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 18, 2024, 10:24
Sep 18, 2024, 10:24
The Sims 2 was peak. The Sims 3 was alright, but that's where the series lost me.

Something about having way too many DLCs that cost way too much if you want the complete experience really gets annoying to me. Some of the Firaxis Paradox titles are guilty of this too (and I believe there's a train game or a flight game or something that also has way too many DLCs...?).

The Sims 4 also removed tons of content that was already available in previous games. :/ Now it's just gonna be The Sims 4 +++++++++++++++ until the end of EA (or more likely the universe).
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Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5
Sep 18, 2024, 16:30
Re: The Sims 4 is the New The Sims 5 Sep 18, 2024, 16:30
Sep 18, 2024, 16:30
Being a compulsive completionist in this day and age of video games will be an expensive condition to have if you feed it rather then suppress it.
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