Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.Story
- Elon Musk predicts crewed SpaceX flights to Mars by 2028, hopes for 'self-sustaining city' on planet - AOL. Has a certain Molyneux flair. Thanks RedEye9.
- Magical equation unites quantum physics, general relativity in a first - Interesting Engineering.
- Scientists Discover Mosquitoes Are Using Infrared to Track Humans Down - ScienceAlert. Like all good Predators.
- New knowledge about a fungus that turns 60–80% of the flies in your home into zombies. How many flies are in the average home??
- Alien Spaceships Could Be Detected Using Gravitational Waves - WIRED (may require registration or subscription).
- Star Trek Day 2024 - Full first episodes for every series.
- How Nine Nuclear Saboteurs Changed WWII. Thanks The Flying Penguin.
Creature Features
Burrito of Peace wrote on Sep 9, 2024, 13:49:I'm not sure which is less likely -- a modification of the 2nd amendment or a reasonable and sane interpretation of the amendment as it is. We certainly agree that neither you or I will live to see the problem solved.
What does need to happen is reasonable, sane regulation and interpretation of that Amendment. We both agree on that, I believe. We also both agree that the likelihood of seeing it in our lifetimes is as close to probable as either of us winning a billion dollar lottery.