Reminiscing...of CPU rumors...
It's amazing how people shed tears over the fact that a
rumored cpu (meaning a cpu that was never produced, only
rumored to be produced some day), has been "canceled." Yes, the CPU that never was will be sorely missed by those who believed the rumors to concern an actual piece of CPU silicon that Intel could ship in volume. But just didn't, I guess, because they didn't want to blow the doors off of whomever/whatever. Nah..."Let's cancel it." Sure thing. But as it never was anything more than a rumor, and rumors are awfully hard to sell, it's not surprising that Intel canceled it.
Shades of larrabee. I vividly recall how Intel never once called Larrabee a "real time ray tracer" and in some actual Intel presentations that Intel did of very early pre-production prototypes of what might have been the "Larrabee" architecture, one presentation I saw myself, during which the Intel spokesperson emphasized verbally, so that there'd be
no mistake about it, that Larrabee was not and never would be a
"real-time ray-tracing CPU". Well, that wasn't what some people wanted to hear, you know, and so they didn't.
Larrabee was branded by the Internet pundits at the time as the most revolutionary new CPU architecture ever made, a real-time ray tracing CPU, and a thing marvelous to behold. Truly.
But the pundits with the websites had all written authoritative articles on what a fantastic real-time ray tracing CPU Larrabee was, and so it was known that Larrabee would be arriving soon to disrupt the desktop computing world. The fact that Intel had always denied this steadfastly was deemed of little value as pertinent information. Oh, no, they went ahead with the Larrabee propaganda with gusto--didn't matter in the slightest what Intel told them about the CPU. No, those guys knew better, and they would prove me (and all the other enlightened souls who tried to help them) wrong.
I actually felt sorry for Intel at that point, because the Internet pundits had built Larrabee up into something fantastically impossible for any CPU to actually achieve, then or now, and so, because of that, Intel
canceled Larrabee right out of the blue--and that was that. I wasn't surprised. No chip company could have made anything that lived up to the incredible feats the pundits had told everyone that Larrabee would support ROOB! The pundits were aghast with disbelief!...;) True to form, soon the
"Larrabee 2" rumors were circulated by the same pundits trying to save face with their first rumors by starting a second rumor...but, "Larrabee 2" fizzled out just like larrabee 1...;)
It is well known that I cannot err--and so, if you should happen across an error in anything I have written you can be absolutely sure that *I* did not write it!...;)