Out of the Blue

Well the big show is underway in Germany, and it's always fun to have new games to talk about. The time-difference from overseas is good news and bad news for covering this, but we're working it all out. I'd say the good news of the opening ceremony not running too late into the night here is probably the big takeaway. I guess if I had my preference, they'd hold all these game shows in Europe.

Obituary: Maria Branyas, world's oldest person, dies in Spain at 117 - Yahoo! News.

Well-timed Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.






The Funnies

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Re: OotB: Timing
Aug 22, 2024, 12:10
Re: OotB: Timing Aug 22, 2024, 12:10
Aug 22, 2024, 12:10
So let me get this right, Target laid off a large portion of their staff, installed self-checkout where nearly all theft is taking place, and made it a policy not to call the police on anything less than grand theft (the infamous $950 in California, never mind Texas where it is $2,500) in an attempt to extort shoplifters. Apparently, that shit got shut down because "pay us $500 or we will call the cops" isn't exactly legal, so now they decided to lock up the socks and underwear because shoplifters apparently don't want to wait 20 minutes to get some chonies to steal at that self-checkout. Never mind that while shoplifting has increased since 2020, it is still down when compared to ohhh 2019, 2018,2017,2016, going all the fucking way back 55 years to 1969. I am sick of hearing about the massive increase in crime, when there is clearly a V shaped recovery in crime. It's almost like something happened in 2020, and all the stores shutdown or something resulting in less crime.

I have no doubt the new locked cases are less about the shoplifting problem that Target, Walmart and other retailers created with monetization, but an irritant to encourage customers to order online where their high tech Ai price optimization algorithms can fuck the customer a little harder.
I suspect that in the next five years these retail stores will try to move to a curb side pickup only model, turning their stores into warehouse with even less employees.
Fuck them

This comment was edited on Aug 22, 2024, 23:56.
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Re: OotB: Timing