The amount of typos and grammatical errors in the screenshots on the game's store page is staggering.
- "Press E to try to the breath"
- "fentanil"
- "You are accussed of possession, production and distribution of large quantities of heroine, fentanil and other opioid drugs. Sentence for these crimes can be between 5-20 years in high-
security prison. We will begin this trial by speech of your attorney."
- "I feel okay, I liked yesterday's show on TV about football. What do you want my grandon?"
- "Find perfect spot to inject the heroin using WSADRT and then click L-Mouse gray area is perfect use without provious scars from previous use"
This comment was edited on Aug 12, 2024, 16:12.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source