Romero & Hall's Next Move

Five years to the day after the announcement that John Romero was departing id Software, we find this tidbit, straight out of the new issue of Next-Generation magazine:

John Romero and Tom Hall are at it again. The two founders of ION Storm may have completed work on Anachronox and been all but banished from their Dallas-based, 54th-floor ivory tower. Still, the two are collaborating on a new PC game and shopping it to publishers, including Eidos. According to sources, the game is being described as Sin meets Rollercoaster Tycoon meets Age of Empires. It's being planned for Xbox and Game Boy Advance.
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Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 12, 2001, 06:46
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 12, 2001, 06:46
Aug 12, 2001, 06:46
Romero=level design for Knee Deep in the Dead, the mere mention of which still gives me chills.
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 12, 2001, 05:43
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 12, 2001, 05:43
Aug 12, 2001, 05:43
What exactly was his part during the development of Doom? I don't want to flame him or anybody else, just want to know because I was to young to deal with the "making of" Doom when it came out. Well, maybe too busy playing it over and over again... :-) Heck, I still like Doom for its Atmosphere! But every game released by id after John left had no Atmosphere. Maybe it was not John alone who brought that into Doom, maybe it was everything together what made the game a classic.

But I can't imagine how the whole genre mix can work! Proof me wrong, plz...

Just my 2 cents
Doomed ACE
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 11, 2001, 17:52
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 11, 2001, 17:52
Aug 11, 2001, 17:52
By todays standars, the '59 Cadillacs design is dated. By todays standards, the first iStar Warsi had pretty crappy special effects.
How dare you badmouth my car and my favorite movie!
Re: IRON Yer Clouds
Aug 11, 2001, 17:28
Re: IRON Yer Clouds Aug 11, 2001, 17:28
Aug 11, 2001, 17:28
If Romero spent more time developing Daikatana and less time cheating on his wife with that stinky snatch killcreek the game would have been out in two years instead of 4.

Think about it, he left after Quake, Id released Quake 2 and Quake 3, and Daikatana was still not out. The problem is Romero doesn't know how to run a business worth a shit. Who the hell ever heard of sitting back and producing a game without helping. He is a dick.
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 11, 2001, 09:56
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 11, 2001, 09:56
Aug 11, 2001, 09:56
I'd also like to plead lack of caffiene for the screwed-up formatting in the previous.
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 11, 2001, 09:54
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 11, 2001, 09:54
Aug 11, 2001, 09:54
>John Romero wasn't the brains behind Doom. Come to think >of it, were there any brains behind Doom? Not knocking the >game, but it was pretty straight forward and had very >little plot. By today's standards a game like Doom would >be a major flop

Well, yeah. By todays standars, the '59 Cadillacs design is dated. By todays standards, the first iStar Warsi had pretty crappy special effects. iDoomi was and is a classic, a landmark in PC gaming. Not just for its programming, but for its atmosphere. We know who gets the credit for the programming; who should get the credit for the game design isn't as clear.

Anyway, Romero will get his deal, if for no other reason then the guy can't even go take a whiz without it being reported on every game news site and dozens of fanboys chiming in about how much he sucks and how crappy his last game was and how long his hair is and how tired they are of his girlfriend and everything else. His next game may flop, but it'll be a well-publicized, breathlessly anticipated flop.
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 11, 2001, 05:01
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 11, 2001, 05:01
Aug 11, 2001, 05:01
Money from the pockets of those stupid enough to purchase Daikatana.
Re: IRON Yer Clouds
Aug 10, 2001, 13:17
Re: IRON Yer Clouds Aug 10, 2001, 13:17
Aug 10, 2001, 13:17
He's a talentless egotistical computer game designer, not a talentless egotistical fashion designer.
I'd like you to NOT to assume that he isn't as talentless in fashion design.
Thank you.
Re: IRON Yer Clouds
Aug 10, 2001, 03:05
Re: IRON Yer Clouds Aug 10, 2001, 03:05
Aug 10, 2001, 03:05
Please please please stop using the initials "JR" before it becomes a trend. He's a talentless egotistical computer game designer, not a talentless egotistical fashion designer.
Re: Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 9, 2001, 23:05
Re: Why do people defend these morons? Aug 9, 2001, 23:05
Aug 9, 2001, 23:05
Daikatana sucks, and frankly John Romero and Tom Hall both suck too.
Yes, but what exactly DO they suck?
Why do people defend these morons?
Aug 9, 2001, 20:38
Why do people defend these morons? Aug 9, 2001, 20:38
Aug 9, 2001, 20:38
These guys have to be two of the worst game developers out there right now! Why do some of you people try to defend them? Daikatana was one of the worst games of all time-- it was HORRIBLE. I tried to play it, but I couldn't even get past the first awful level.

The only reason Ion Storm is still in business is thanks to Deus Ex which was NOT developed by these two.

John Romero wasn't the brains behind Doom. Come to think of it, were there any brains behind Doom? Not knocking the game, but it was pretty straight forward and had very little plot. By today's standards a game like Doom would be a major flop. At the time it had good atmosphere and good action, so that was enough. Not anymore...

And cut the BS about "you've never designed a game". That is the weakest and stupidest argument of all time. I've never directed a movie either, but I know when one sucks. I haven't personally built a car, but when it breaks down all the time, I know it's bad news. You don't have to personally do something in order to be able to judge it.

Daikatana sucks, and frankly John Romero and Tom Hall both suck too.
Re: How much do they get paid?
Aug 9, 2001, 20:08
Re: How much do they get paid? Aug 9, 2001, 20:08
Aug 9, 2001, 20:08
Sin meets Rollercoaster Tycoon meets Age of Empires

Thieves! I had a game planned!
It was Sin meets Barbie Fashion Designer meets ICQ meets WinProxy meets Porsche meets Bluesnews meets Daikatana meets Duke Nukem Forever meets Kentucky Fried Chicken meets my underwear!

You'll also realize that every "meets" effectively doubles the gaming power of the game which in fact makes it more awesome!
Re: How much do they get paid?
Aug 9, 2001, 08:30
Re: How much do they get paid? Aug 9, 2001, 08:30
Aug 9, 2001, 08:30
I don't think you're getting it... Romero and Hall have kept their mouths 'shut'.. it has been the press who have leaked information regarding the game to the public. BTW, you should also consider that they've just started production of this game now, and they probably haven't reached the initial stage when a workable demo can be created. For all we know, they may still be implementing their pre-production design ideas.
Re: How much do they get paid?
Aug 9, 2001, 00:11
Re: How much do they get paid? Aug 9, 2001, 00:11
Aug 9, 2001, 00:11
Gee, testy, aren't we?

Anyway, what I MEANT by my post is that Hall and Romero should actually try producing a prototype to demo before shooting off their mouths off to publishers. Since he didn't, rumors of his new game idea are already being leaked to the press, and you ALREADY have people thinking that his game idea is going to suck before it has even started production.

This isn't the kind of publicity that Romero and Hall need right now. Something it just pays to just keep your mouth shut, before you have something to back your words.
IRON Yer Clouds
Aug 8, 2001, 18:03
IRON Yer Clouds Aug 8, 2001, 18:03
Aug 8, 2001, 18:03
Would be nice to see JR Back in the limelight and getting some credit for the excellent thrilling software he has produced. i c its 5 years since JR left the Ranch.. well i justed visited there and i think its tumbleweed Software now... nothing going on!!! maybe its time for a new player....JR software.. thats if its still possible 2 squeeze the eggs Outta the fish!!! ... Still pluggin away for the software talented dudes here in the UK!!!
Re: ahhhhhhhhh!!! noooooo
Aug 8, 2001, 16:20
Re: ahhhhhhhhh!!! noooooo Aug 8, 2001, 16:20
Aug 8, 2001, 16:20
What, What?
Re: Can you say flop?
Aug 8, 2001, 06:15
Re: Can you say flop? Aug 8, 2001, 06:15
Aug 8, 2001, 06:15
I have to agree... Whoever said that the Console crowd would be more forgiving to bad gameplay needs to take a big ol' look at that market. If anything they are a hell of a lot MORE demanding as regards gameplay - just less so on "New Technology", Multiplayer support and the longevity of a game.


Can you say flop?
Aug 8, 2001, 05:30
Can you say flop? Aug 8, 2001, 05:30
Aug 8, 2001, 05:30
Which publisher will bite on this? The gaming industry's not the same as when Romero and Hall split from id -- and they're partly to blame. Lots of expensively-underwritten failures later, the loose money days are over, and publishers want sure-fire formula games. Blending all the elements of different genres into one big mishmash is not exactly how it's done....

There's a bigger problem, of course, and it's that at Ion, these guys had all the freedom in the world. And they screwed that up, royally. You can get Daikatanna new for $1 and, in a short time, you'll be able to do the same for Anachronox. That doesn't exactly make a publisher excited about underwriting the next self-indulgent money pit.
No subject
Aug 8, 2001, 04:43
No subject Aug 8, 2001, 04:43
Aug 8, 2001, 04:43
To whoever posted earlier about Romero developing for multiple platforms at once, I seem to remember there was a N64 version of Daikatana...and it shipped before the PC version did. So it wouldn't be the first time.

Maybe Romero thinks console gamers will be more forgiving when it comes to his games.
Re: Who's the bitch now?
Aug 8, 2001, 00:52
Re: Who's the bitch now? Aug 8, 2001, 00:52
Aug 8, 2001, 00:52
What did I say to offend you so much? C'mon, you knew that for every topic that involves Romero, someone has to write a "make you his bitch" joke.

Honestly, I feel that Romero and Hall will add to the gaming comunity, regardless of platform or bad press from previous games.
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