>John Romero wasn't the brains behind Doom. Come to think >of it, were there any brains behind Doom? Not knocking the >game, but it was pretty straight forward and had very >little plot. By today's standards a game like Doom would >be a major flop
Well, yeah. By todays standars, the '59 Cadillacs design is dated. By todays standards, the first iStar Warsi had pretty crappy special effects. iDoomi was and is a classic, a landmark in PC gaming. Not just for its programming, but for its atmosphere. We know who gets the credit for the programming; who should get the credit for the game design isn't as clear.
Anyway, Romero will get his deal, if for no other reason then the guy can't even go take a whiz without it being reported on every game news site and dozens of fanboys chiming in about how much he sucks and how crappy his last game was and how long his hair is and how tired they are of his girlfriend and everything else. His next game may flop, but it'll be a well-publicized, breathlessly anticipated flop.