Out of the Blue

It's probably not as significant as Code Red (mentioned above), but on a semi-related note, if I get another spam that says "I send you this file in order to have your advice" I'm going to start thinking it's the new 'all your base...' Actually I assume this is a virus, since the attachment is always a .pif or a .bat intended to look like a .txt file. Anyway, I also assume that at least some of you know what I'm describing here, since I have received about 30 of them myself over the course of a few days, including the international version, "Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista," so I can't imagine I'm the only one receiving them. I even just got what I've been finding lately to be the most obnoxious spam trick, which is to send it using my own name as the sender (presumably to foil filtering), though knowing these things often work by replicating a copy to send to your whole address list, maybe I'm actually infected too, and actually did send that to myself? Nah.

That's not the weird event of the overnight for me... my nutty coffee maker has gone off the deep end, making any previous nuttiness seem insignificant by comparison. I made a first pot that came out like weak tea. I was sure I put in enough beans (this coffee maker grids them for you), but there were hardly any grounds in the basket either, so I assumed I under-dosed there. I made another pot, and the same thing happened, only for the second one, I made doubly sure the right number of beans were present ("Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala, we used to make fresh coffee, right off the trees I mean."). This had the same result, maybe a tablespoon of grounds, and light tan coffee. So where did the beans go? That's the nutty thing... I have no idea at all, there's no trace of them anywhere to be found! Certainly having no coffee doesn't help one work mysteries like this out especially quickly, either (though I did steal off to Dunkin Donuts for a thermos as soon as I knew they'd be open).

Story of the Day: Man itching to relive close encounter of stinging kind. Now that's a bad day. Thanks Shane Waldron.
Bonus Story: Norwegian reels in drowning Dane (CNN). Thanks Matt Dimmic.
Bonus Story II: Embarrassment, Bitterness After Alderman Expresses Herself in Novel Way (Fox). Thanks theAntiELVIS. I think this scene was filmed in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, but didn't make the final cut.
Wild Science: Mysterious Medium-Sized Black Hole Could Be Nearby (Reuters). Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP].

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time to make the donuts
Jul 20, 2001, 08:50
time to make the donuts Jul 20, 2001, 08:50
Jul 20, 2001, 08:50
mmmmm...Dunkin Donuts coffee....triple-cream-triple-sugar, please...

makes me go-go-go

Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
time to make the donuts
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 21, 2001Jul 21 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001
Jul 20, 2001Jul 20 2001