That's not the weird event of the overnight for me... my nutty coffee maker has gone off the deep end, making any previous nuttiness seem insignificant by comparison. I made a first pot that came out like weak tea. I was sure I put in enough beans (this coffee maker grids them for you), but there were hardly any grounds in the basket either, so I assumed I under-dosed there. I made another pot, and the same thing happened, only for the second one, I made doubly sure the right number of beans were present ("Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala, we used to make fresh coffee, right off the trees I mean."). This had the same result, maybe a tablespoon of grounds, and light tan coffee. So where did the beans go? That's the nutty thing... I have no idea at all, there's no trace of them anywhere to be found! Certainly having no coffee doesn't help one work mysteries like this out especially quickly, either (though I did steal off to Dunkin Donuts for a thermos as soon as I knew they'd be open).
Story of the Day: Man itching to relive close encounter of stinging kind.
Now that's a bad day. Thanks Shane Waldron.
Bonus Story: Norwegian reels in drowning Dane
(CNN). Thanks Matt Dimmic.
Bonus Story II: Embarrassment,
Bitterness After Alderman Expresses Herself in Novel Way (Fox). Thanks
theAntiELVIS. I think this scene was filmed in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,
but didn't make the final cut.
Wild Science: Mysterious
Medium-Sized Black Hole Could Be Nearby (Reuters). Thanks [MP] Wolverine