Out of the Blue

Happy birthday to the Windex Killer, as MoB Chris Morris sends along word that Merv Griffin turns 76 today. Merv, of course, is a big Counter-Strike player, so I'm sure he's reading. Cheers!

Link of the Day: Purebull.com. Thanks Doug Nehring.
Bonus Link: Cannot find the damn server. Thanks Ant, who's on a roll with these.
Weird Science: Coffee Machine Using LED Optical Monitor Technology. Thanks Slashdot.
Media of the Day: Prehistoric Pr0n. Thanks Macblaster. You must be over one millennium old to view this site.

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Merv Griffin
Jul 6, 2001, 12:34
Merv Griffin Jul 6, 2001, 12:34
Jul 6, 2001, 12:34
Does anyone know Merv's screen name? I think it would be fun to say you knifed old Merv!!:o

Pop culture!
Jul 6, 2001, 11:04
Pop culture! Jul 6, 2001, 11:04
Jul 6, 2001, 11:04
The man with two brains!

Re: New name for Out of the Blue . . .
Jul 6, 2001, 09:12
Re: New name for Out of the Blue . . . Jul 6, 2001, 09:12
Jul 6, 2001, 09:12
Mmmmm...prehistoric prawn........I hear they're better with age...

New name for Out of the Blue . . .
Jul 6, 2001, 08:23
New name for Out of the Blue . . . Jul 6, 2001, 08:23
Jul 6, 2001, 08:23
instead, it should be called out of MoB, Chris Morris. Drop the birthdays Blue and friends; they are just a crutch for not having anything else to say (write). Why don't you have a MoB Link of the Day and keep Out of the Blue focused on the classic stuff like the site, your life, and coffee-induced rambling!

This comment was edited on Jul 6, 08:24.
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