I do think this game is gradually getting there. It got looked on pretty favourably for the first couple of weeks, then the couple of months after that people seemed to get disillusioned with some of the gameplay problems and AI. I feel like the game took a pretty good step around version 1.1 > 1.2 and the balance + qol pass that they did, I played a game on an early 1.2 beta build that didn't have everything in yet, and I had a good time. The strategic and tactical AI were both passible, not amazing and not a disaster - enough to play against and lose some battles but generally the player will outperform it as you'd imagine. I saw they've been taking dedicated feedback about how the AI plays on their forums so it seems like it will keep improving. I think most of the gameplay changed they put in 4 are pretty good for the game, I like the separate building and unit construction, the tomes now you can't have them all, and the rally mechanic that puts a limit on some of the super units you can get. I think the strategic map graphics and interface are a bit cluttered and unclear though, the flags with stack sizes are small and blurry especially with some colour combinations, and the slight fade on units you've already moved is so subtle that it's hard to see what you haven't moved yet sometimes. This might be because my poor PC can't handle 1440p/Ultra so I have some settings turned down. At least the enemies in your domain get a giant red highlight, I wish they'd do more of that kind of thing. Hopefully they keep tweaking this because it's the main thing you look at and it's less refined than Planetfall currently. With a lot more updates to come and hopefully some mods I can see this ending up in a good place.