WaltSee wrote on Sep 21, 2023, 21:09:
I like the game, too--got it with something I bought--somewhere. Couldn't do much in single-player, like I wanted...any quick hints come to mind for SP?
Hrm, where to begin... obviously it's a cover shooter, so as soon as possible in any fight, get into cover, go for head shots. Certain guns will have really good damage per shot and accuracy even with lower level beginner versions, namely the M14, but these days every gun is at least somewhat useful. Pistol damage has been raised a ton, so always feel free to break out the pistol to finish off weak enemies.
Enemies will try to flank you, even at low level, but when they run out of cover, they will take more damage/be easier to shoot. Later you will get mods/items that do increased damage to Out of Cover enemies, etc.
Playing solo, I prefer to have 1 damage/distract skill, and one healing skill. Even though it can be inefficient, I like the healing mist, that you can drop basically right at your own feet to heal up. A lot of players prefer the Revive Hive, but that basically means you have to die to make it worthwhile, and you can easily get shot to death right after it revives you. I don't recommend NOT having a healing skill, either Healing Mist or Healing Drone, if you are going solo.
As far as cores, I usually go at least 4 RED cores for damage, with crit chance, crit damage, and then hope for the best rolls for damage on your guns on top of that. Then I prefer 2 YELLOW cores, for extra skill damage and healing, but arguably these days you can run 2 BLUE cores as backup for more armor, if you get passive regen items/exotics. Once you start getting higher level/exotics, you can change this up, and you'll see people going 6 RED cores, or 6 YELLOW cores, etc.
Not sure why I'm capitalizing colors, lol.
As far as Kits, I prefer the Technician kit by far, for solo. It gives you one free YELLOW core, so I can go 4 RED, 2 YELLOW from gear(usually Skill Haste or Skill Damage), and then the bonus YELLOW core for a 4 R, 3 Y, 0 B setup. I find BLUE cores to be usually the weakest strategy solo, unless you have exotics that dramatically boost damage based on armor/hp. Killing enemies is better than tanking enemies.
Starting from scratch, you want to do the main questline/tutorials, then start grinding out your various Specialities. Technician is far and away my favorite, but they're all good now. You will want them all eventually, maxxed out. They increase from gaining experience while having the kit selected, so there will be growing pains when you switch to a new one that has no points in it, at higher levels, but it's still doable. Ideally by then you will have some decent gear to carry you.
You can read Reddit to see what the absolute best experience per second is, but I preferred to just play the open world, take over checkpoints, run into random spawn quests and enemy minibosses, and then occasionally do strongholds. I could only do the strongholds and main/side quests so many times before it got boring. Now there are also basically assassination missions as well, all of which can line up together, as well as Invasions, so you can have 3-4x the experience and or quests in the same spot to gain more experience.
Also later on you can add modifiers to the global settings to increase difficulty and exp gain, but realistically starting out you will ignore those. Start on low level Global, then gradually increase as you get more comfortable, get more dps, etc. Higher level items only drop at Challenging and Heroic level difficulty. With good stats anyway.
Early, very early in the game, just use whatever drops. Level cap with the Expansion is 40, anything before 40 is basically tutorial. It's a lot like Diablo 3 in that way, any pre-40 loot is going to be garbage at 40.
There is also crafting and extracting aspects from weapons, various other grinds, but the cover shooting in the open world is going to be 90%+ of your playtime.
You only have to do the College once, and the highrise skyscraper thing is going to be too annoying for you to deal with at low level, just stick with quests and the open world.
*EDIT* Forgot to mention, you start out in "Story" difficulty, and have options for Normal Challenging Heroic later on. In spite of that, if you have missions you have never done before, you will have to do them once in Story difficulty even if you have already progressed to higher difficulties. There are usually experience bonuses for both Story and higher difficulties, and most missions can be completed in under 15 minutes, so it's not too big of a penalty, just forewarning you of built in repetition for most missions.
Also, the level cap is 30 without the expansion to NY. Almost all the above info remains the same, just obviously you're going to cap out at 30 and 'begin' the grind at 30. I highly recommend getting the expansion if you don't have it, whenever it's on sale again, the game is not really complete without it.
This comment was edited on Sep 22, 2023, 11:40.