Good choice. There's probably no way to maintain sanity and merge PoE 1 and 2 together. Too much bloat in PoE 1 anyway, it's a mess upon piles of messes.
Best way to play PoE is just play whatever the hell you want, and ignore 'best' or 'meta' build talk.
*EDIT* Watched the video, based on their stated numbers, this is still going to a complicated as hell game to play optimally. Just relax and do whatever, your guy may eventually die or run into a wall, oh no!
I do like that they seem to have slowed it down from the constantly teleporting/AoEing everything on the screen every second, filling the screen with spell/attack effects. That always felt like it was trying to give me a seizure. I'm sure youtubers/twitch no lifers will figure out how to replicate PoE1 speed in PoE2 eventually, but at least it looks like the developers are trying to move away from that.