So 3.18 (named Lasting Legacies) came out with the persistent universe and it was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. The 3.18.1 patch released yesterday is all the work that shoulda gone into 3.18 to make it stable instead of doing the a-fucking-typical "it's good enough, push it to live" crap CIG does. There was so much trash (litteral and ship debris) that it choked the holy fuck out of the servers.
If ya go through all the reading they provide, and see some of the tech demo's they show, you soon realize that the CIG has no clue wtf it's doing or how to get there.
So here is my referral code. STAR-QVDN-J4LM
If anyone wants to play until the 20th and come join my org (we are 1 part jackass 1 part stormtroopers and 1 part a-team) I am CptRanger#4907 on discord, and add me as a friend as CptRanger in game.
This game has some brilliant moments and here is a
Short Clip taken from my org leaders perspective. The setup is this: We had some people join our org from an org with an abusive asshole who's name was Itorca. So we all piled into a sever and one of the ex-members of his org said that he was online. So being the "lovely" asshole I am, I called him out in chat asking if he wanted to "play". We were getting all our org members together at the semi-pirate/seedy station called Grim Hex. I'm in my ship with a gunner waiting for the guild leader who is doing the recording. So all of a sudden my ship is being rammed by another ship (turns out to be Itorca). My ship and gunner engage him, while my org leader is in a small ship, gets down his rear shields, breaks open the rear landing ramp of Itorca's ship, boards it, goes up to the cockpit and kills him. Enjoy.
This game has so much great potential, but after the mess of the 3.18 patch I feel like Tina Turner after 3 rounds with Ike Turner.
This comment was edited on Apr 14, 2023, 16:49.