Meh. I think with the various issues with the initial release of 3.18 (even with the forewarning by the devs), and the 3.18.1 patch, things might not pick up as much as CIG would like/want.
It's a niche game. It's got a lot of scope creep and overly ambitious goals. It's full of bugs and glitches (entertaining as some of them may be, if not outright game-breaking). The new PES (persistent entity streaming) and cargo block system they introduced in 3.18 along with whatever subsystems they've rejiggered broke at scale in the PU (persistent universe) compared to the PTU (persistent test universe) - and I will admit that, players were warned, and that, maybe, there are bugs that can not be encountered or uncovered until the game is released to a wider group of players.
The ships are neat. I love being able to walk through a large ship and seeing all its details. I like how seamless transitions are from space to planet, etc. I like salvaging, doing some ship bounty combat missions, strolling around a city or station, or just cruising around. Mutli-crew missions can be a lot of fun.
Is it worth it? As long as I have an org to play along with, it rarely ever gets boring. But, I don't think I'll be putting any extra money into this - not that I can afford to.
(There are folks I've spoken with who play that have sunk at least a thousand into it; that is much more than I would care to put in).
Dan =0)
SC: Zmrzlskrz (*cough* referral code: STAR-RLXL-PXVN *cough*)
ED: Zmrzlskrz (haven't played this one in months)
Shameless self-plug(s): - also on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Amazon, etc.