Sepharo wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 04:12:
selection7 wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 03:59:
Sepharo wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 03:06:
selection7 wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 03:05:
Sepharo wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 01:27:
Sounds like everyone learned an important lesson.
Chris learned to stop sleeping with cosplayers at conventions, lest something like this happen.
And the women who found him creepy learned they need to be very very specific about how exactly he's creepy, lest a lawsuit like this happens.
What cosplayers?
The women in the lawsuit.
You should read it.
Was she supposedly ever in costume at a convention with Chris? [...] Also, I don't think you should besmirch cosplayers! [...] I get why you might think they're a little nutty, but they're mostly good people.
What the hell are you talking about?
I did no such thing.
Hey, cool it with the coarse language! (There are ladies on this board.

I thought maybe you were a cos-player hater because you suggested a lesson to be learned is not to sleep with cosplayers. And I quote: "...stop sleeping with cosplayers at conventions, lest something like this happen." I was thinking to myself, what makes cosplayers any different from anyone else? Why single them out unless Sepharo thinks they can't be trusted? Kind of like, 'should've known better than to go down a dark alley', except cosplayers are no 'dark alley', they're mostly good people. It was a strange statement, either way. But also, ...
What about my question about whether they were cosplaying at a convention with Chris?
And, well, I'll just re-paste it:
What about my question about the ladies not needing to be overtly specific, but just truthful, instead? Agreed?