jdreyer wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 02:26:
Armengar wrote on Mar 27, 2023, 01:08:
Burrito of Peace wrote on Mar 26, 2023, 23:13:
I can accuse you of kicking puppies and sodomizing goats on Twatter. Does that make it true?
this is a good example. because if i sued you for defamation, in order for me to win proving that I dont kick puppies or sodomize goats would not be enough. I would also need to prove you were accusing me maliciously.
you could say it for banter, for laughs, not maliciously. I would lose the libel case even though it is true that I dont sodomize goats and you spoke falsely.
So this case was deemed not just watertight but gilt edged. The two accusors were not just liars but doing it to harm chris,with a trail of evidence.
In order for the "malicious" standard to be applied, you would have to be considered a "public persona." Although you are not, Chris A certainly is.
I think that's why I'm scratching my head at this case. Even if they lied, what evidence exists that shows malicious intent? There must be something that we're not seeing here. This isn't a judgement on whether the two women did something wrong; it seems likely that they did. My question is, did it rise to the level of libel of a public figure? The women initially seemed honest in their condemnations, so for them to settle this there must be some proof that they not only made stuff up but also did it with the intent of ruining his career? Have we seen evidence of that in this case? Perhaps LegalEagle or someone can shed some light on what likely happened in this case.
He sued them because they called him a "sex predator" and implied that he had non-consensual encounters and implied some of them could be underage.
None of those things would have been provable for them.
If they had stuck to something like,
"Avellone is a creeper who took me while I was intoxicated up to the hotel room and then started kissing and groping me (Avellone called it "heavy petting" in his own suit). I told him to stop, and to his credit, he did... but after speaking with others, this seems to be a pattern for him."
They would have been just fine.
Read Avellone's suit if you haven't.