Evening Safety Dance

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Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 15:39
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 15:39
Feb 9, 2023, 15:39
FloodAnxiety wrote on Feb 9, 2023, 15:21:
Using words you don't understand can also be a problem. Even if you don't mean to hurt someone, you still can. That's why it's important to take the time to learn about words and their meanings so that you can use them in a safe and respectful way.

I think this is important, too. I want to hurt you because I meant to hurt you, not because you got caught in the crossfire when I used something derogatory to you, but don't worry, you're awesome and I love you, I'm just using a major characteristic of you to describe someone I hate in a negative way, why are you so bothered by that?
Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 15:21
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 15:21
Feb 9, 2023, 15:21
WaltSee wrote on Feb 9, 2023, 10:07:
I've never seen a time in which people are so afraid of the English language--until recently, the last few years. An intolerance of ordinary language is an indicator of growing bigotry, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness, imo. Some tech sites I frequent flag words like "dumb"--if you say, "Well, that's dumb!", you get a very silly popup that says, "Some people don't like to see that word used, would you like to rephrase? Are we wrong?" [Yes, you are wrong to presume] So then if I write, "That's imbecilic!" that's OK, or if I write, "That's nuts!" that's OK, too...;) Go figure.
We should always follow the Golden Rule and treat others the way we want to be treated. That means being careful about the words we use and making sure that what we say is kind and respectful.

Using words you don't understand can also be a problem. Even if you don't mean to hurt someone, you still can. That's why it's important to take the time to learn about words and their meanings so that you can use them in a safe and respectful way.
Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 11:04
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 11:04
Feb 9, 2023, 11:04
Burrito of Peace wrote on Feb 9, 2023, 10:51:
You heard it here, folks, from the horse's mouth. WaltSee is perfectly fine with child porn on his social media feeds.
How soon you forget, we've already been told by a regular "You know what else Twitter has been losing along with advertising? Pedophiles. Musk has been systematically going through and booting pedo accounts. Of course, you aren't going to read about this on NPR." username SMITE

Or am I confusing child abuse with pedo's, it hard to figure this stuff out when you read NPR. Blank
“We’ve arranged a society on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow up in our faces." Carl Sagan
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Feb 9, 2023, 10:51
removed Feb 9, 2023, 10:51
Feb 9, 2023, 10:51

This comment was deleted on Feb 9, 2023, 15:12. Reason: Personal attacks (rule 1)
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.
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Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 10:07
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 10:07
Feb 9, 2023, 10:07
Lukiopimp wrote on Feb 9, 2023, 07:04:
That university going into full alarm mode because of a few lines in an email - instead of just asking what it's about lol. Sad times in the US where such harmless words make people think there is going to be a mass shooting.

Good post! These days, people seldom read what's written and prefer to inject their own prejudices into the text, instead. The mainstream media in the country has been horrible about doing this for the last few years.

I've never seen a time in which people are so afraid of the English language--until recently, the last few years. An intolerance of ordinary language is an indicator of growing bigotry, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness, imo. Some tech sites I frequent flag words like "dumb"--if you say, "Well, that's dumb!", you get a very silly popup that says, "Some people don't like to see that word used, would you like to rephrase? Are we wrong?" [Yes, you are wrong to presume] So then if I write, "That's imbecilic!" that's OK, or if I write, "That's nuts!" that's OK, too...;) Go figure.

Legacy Twitter used to be horrible about that, but it's much better now--but still has some distance to go, yet. Musk is rooting out the ignorance and narrow-mindedness, and the almost total lack of an ordinary sense of humor that is absent in the minds of the censorious. It's really bizarre. It's like those people want to be coddled and want an imaginary world full of rainbows and unicorns and delusions, and they'll stamp out anything that upsets the apple cart...;) Doesn't matter at all if it's true and factual and very helpful because of that--oh, no.

Banning posts, etc. should ideally be limited to three things: 1) egregious profanity, easy to spot, 2) Threats of violence against named individuals (that obviously aren't tongue-in-cheek), blatant spam & related scams. Legacy Twitter and companies like Google seemed to be able to recognize the bigotry of everyone else while ignoring their own! That's why it's clear to me that those who censor are the most bigoted of all. And the bigotry is fueled, imo, by poor educations and the ignorance generated therein.

It is well known that I cannot err--and so, if you should happen across an error in anything I have written you can be absolutely sure that *I* did not write it!...;)
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Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 07:04
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 07:04
Feb 9, 2023, 07:04
That university going into full alarm mode because of a few lines in an email - instead of just asking what it's about lol. Sad times in the US where such harmless words make people think there is going to be a mass shooting.
Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 9, 2023, 04:42
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 9, 2023, 04:42
Feb 9, 2023, 04:42
FloodAnxiety wrote on Feb 8, 2023, 23:10:

Re: Google's AI bot mistake wipes $100bn off shares.

What's funnier is Google shares dropped because they were too lazy to fact check the advertisement using Google.
“We’ve arranged a society on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow up in our faces." Carl Sagan
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Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 8, 2023, 23:10
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 8, 2023, 23:10
Feb 8, 2023, 23:10

Re: Google's AI bot mistake wipes $100bn off shares.

Re: Evening Safety Dance
Feb 8, 2023, 23:10
Re: Evening Safety Dance Feb 8, 2023, 23:10
Feb 8, 2023, 23:10
Re: ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare, and we ought to be concerned.

It has no more privacy implications than a search engine. Headline is borderline clickbait in my opinion. Every "argument" against what ChatGPT is doing can and could have been said about any search engine.

I will bottom line it:
Either you did something and put your own information on the internet, and it was crawled. If you don't like this, then don't publish your info.
Or you did something, like get into the news, and the news was put on the internet, and it was crawled. If you don't like this, then take it up with the person who published it on the internet.

Ars, you are better than this.

That said...
...if it is discovered that google is training their AI on your personal unpublished data, well, that is a horse of a different color. I'm don't trust Google since their business model has always made normal users the product for their advertising customers. I'm more likely to trust Microsoft who has always been at the forefront of privacy and have great internal rules about managing and separating PII (personal identifiable information).

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