Gloria Victis Leaves Early Access

Early Access has concluded for Gloria Victis. and this low-fantasy MMORPG has now officially launched (thanks Kapyong). The official website reflects the epic journey this represents, proudly displaying the game's 2012 IndieDB Player's Choice honor. The Windows game is available on Steam, and for the first week carries a whopping 50% discount. This post discusses the "new beginning" the news represents, illustrated by a new Launch Trailer. Here's the big picture:
Gloria Victis – A medieval MMORPG where Mount & Blade meets Planetside 2! Explore a breathtaking and atmospheric open world designed by lovers of the Witcher and Gothic series. Be part of a living society and become a soldier, knight, archer, assassin, swordmaster, berserker, huntsman, blacksmith, builder, merchant, farmer, healer, and more... the choice is yours!
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