If the Microsoft deal unravels, those issues will come back to the surface – joined by a new current of discontent from those who were hanging on in the hope of seeing financial rewards in terms of stock options and other bonuses from the Microsoft buyout. I don’t doubt that a company like Activision Blizzard could survive the collapse of this kind of buyout deal, but the problems it could cause for morale and staff attrition could be very significant – not to mention the likely hammering it would cause for the company’s share price.
This is the part I wish more of the articles on this shitshow would point out. Things don't appear to have gotten better at actibliz after the revelations against them. Certain segments of their employees have been attempting to unionize and are being met with peak corporate sabotage. The company absolutely needs an upper management purge, and while the golden parachute they'll get from this is awful leaving them in place is clearly worse.