Out of the Blue

We had a fine old time with our quiet Thanksgiving celebration. The turkey and fixings came out great. MrsBlue was disappointed with the aesthetics of our potatoes, but they were fine too. I did suffer a fail along the way, as I never managed to pick up a pumpkin pie, so one tradition went unfulfilled. I think I'll try to make up for it by searching for pies that are on sale now that turkey day is over. That makes today Black Friday, but you probably don't need any reminders about that. The good news is this annual celebration of consumerism has become a mostly online event. Nobody ever got trampled to death over the internet. Though I'm sure there's someone somewhere working on making that happen.

Blackened Round-up
Thanks Ant and Neutronbeam.

Brunch Link





Creature Features
Thanks Kxmode.

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13 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 30, 2022, 01:14
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 30, 2022, 01:14
Nov 30, 2022, 01:14
Jivaro wrote on Nov 27, 2022, 14:30:
They know what they are doing over there at Favreau World. Andor is setting up there next decade of television.
You have spoken.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 27, 2022, 14:30
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 27, 2022, 14:30
Nov 27, 2022, 14:30
They know what they are doing over there at Favreau World. Andor is setting up there next decade of television.
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Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 27, 2022, 11:17
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 27, 2022, 11:17
Nov 27, 2022, 11:17
This guy does critiques on cinematography on his channel. He has made me really appreciate why some movies look so good.

He has some very good things to say about Andor. Stuff I've been picking up subconsciously but never really thought about, the show does have a really awesome look and feel:

Why Andor Feels So Real

Anyone who finds it slow, keep at it. They are doing some major world building and setting up for the next season (BTW filming just started). There is a fair bit of action coming up in the last half.

Even though I usually have little patience for back story, I've been enjoying it, even when it seems slow.
"I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes."
- Joanna Maciejewska
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Real life hero💯.
Nov 26, 2022, 12:54
Real life hero💯. Nov 26, 2022, 12:54
Nov 26, 2022, 12:54
My fake detector is beeping...
"You can either want something to be true, or you can want the truth. Pick one." - Mr. Diety
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Re: Andor
Nov 26, 2022, 00:53
Re: Andor Nov 26, 2022, 00:53
Nov 26, 2022, 00:53
Yes, for me Andor up to half way was OK, a bit dull, but good enough to keep going. After half way though, it is astonishingly good, literally. It’s the best show for me in 2022.
Re: Why Andor Feels So Real
Nov 26, 2022, 00:23
Re: Why Andor Feels So Real Nov 26, 2022, 00:23
Nov 26, 2022, 00:23
Burrito of Peace wrote on Nov 25, 2022, 17:35:
Simon Says wrote on Nov 25, 2022, 16:18:

On another note, Andor has that slow burn to it...
It starts really slow, so slow you think you're not gonna like it.
Then it builds... and builds, and builds AND BUILDS so much that by the end of the season, it's so good.

This is me right now. I'm three episodes in and it's like watching paint dry on growing grass.

It may get better but I'm trying to figure out if I want to dump another 2-3 hours in to it before I get interested.

at least get through ep. 6. if you're still bored by then then move on, but if you're even mildly interested, stick with it. it gets SO GOOD. i've been telling people, it's the first star wars... thing... i've seen that i can say is actually well written since Empire.
Re: Stop touching your face! It could help you stay healthy.
Nov 25, 2022, 21:19
Re: Stop touching your face! It could help you stay healthy. Nov 25, 2022, 21:19
Nov 25, 2022, 21:19
About 10 years ago I asked my doctor (who is also a friend) how does he keep from catching patient's illnesses.
He said...
"I never touch my face without washing my hands first."

So I tried this.
If you have children, you know it is almost impossible to avoid illness but this actually worked for me for years.
Not always (it's impossible with your kids sneezing at you ) but a noticeable amount of times.
Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 25, 2022, 18:01
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 25, 2022, 18:01
Nov 25, 2022, 18:01
This just in: Beverly Hills 90210. Clippers 0.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: Why Andor Feels So Real
Nov 25, 2022, 17:35
Re: Why Andor Feels So Real Nov 25, 2022, 17:35
Nov 25, 2022, 17:35
Simon Says wrote on Nov 25, 2022, 16:18:

On another note, Andor has that slow burn to it...
It starts really slow, so slow you think you're not gonna like it.
Then it builds... and builds, and builds AND BUILDS so much that by the end of the season, it's so good.

This is me right now. I'm three episodes in and it's like watching paint dry on growing grass.

It may get better but I'm trying to figure out if I want to dump another 2-3 hours in to it before I get interested.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.
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Why Andor Feels So Real
Nov 25, 2022, 16:18
Why Andor Feels So Real Nov 25, 2022, 16:18
Nov 25, 2022, 16:18

Very good video about the cinematography and how it's different from other Star Wars productions.

TL&DW In short, it feels grounded, it feels real.


On another note, Andor has that slow burn to it...
It starts really slow, so slow you think you're not gonna like it.
Then it builds... and builds, and builds AND BUILDS so much that by the end of the season, it's so good.
'Significant Breakthrough' Achieved In Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
Nov 25, 2022, 15:58
'Significant Breakthrough' Achieved In Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Nov 25, 2022, 15:58
Nov 25, 2022, 15:58

Doesn't even mention if it's more power efficient and how much...

#PressXforDoubt as to the "significant" part.

Hydrogen has a lot of catchup to do compared to straight electric.

Straight electric is around 90% efficient from the power plant to the tires.

Hydrogen is 35 to 45% efficient. That's a LOT of wasted energy.
Heck it's barely better than combustion engines.

They have a very long road ahead of them if they want to even start to compete with straight electric.

Ofc tho, any advances in hydrogen are gonna have impacts down the road for vehicles where batteries aren't practical ( like planes ).
Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 25, 2022, 15:54
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 25, 2022, 15:54
Nov 25, 2022, 15:54
The Onion can be funny, but that video surely wasn't.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.
Avatar 21247
Re: OOtB: Taking the black
Nov 25, 2022, 14:52
Re: OOtB: Taking the black Nov 25, 2022, 14:52
Nov 25, 2022, 14:52
Nobody ever got trampled to death over the internet.

I don't know, Blue. Online bullying has led to lethal outcomes. But I agree where shopping is concerned it remains a safe affair.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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