Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development

Kotaku follows the news of personnel changes at Hangar 13 with a report that a new Mafia game is in the works at the studio. Word is Matthew Urban is out in addition to Haden Blackman. Blackman is reportedly being replaced by Nick Baynes, and he will lead development on a new Mafia prequel:
What 2K didn’t mention in the email was that Matthew Urban, Hangar 13 chief operating officer, has also left the studio. “What an amazing ride at H13.......let’s see what is next,” he wrote on LinkedIn. These shifts come as Hangar 13 pivots from original projects back to established franchises like Mafia, the open world, third-person shooter series that’s often compared to Grand Theft Auto—except with a more mob-movie approach.

Replacing Blackman is Nick Baynes, currently studio head at Hangar 13's Brighton, UK office, which Kotaku understands to be leading development on a new Mafia game. While the project is still early in development, its code name is Nero and it’s expected to be a prequel to the Mafia trilogy. The plan is to make it in Unreal Engine 5 instead of the Mafia III engine that was recently used for the remasters.
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Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 6, 2022, 09:43
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 6, 2022, 09:43
May 6, 2022, 09:43
Sepharo wrote on May 6, 2022, 00:56:
LOC wrote on May 5, 2022, 23:31:
I also recently re-played Mafia 3 and had quite a good time with it. It isn't some masterpiece of the open world genre mind you, but it is well made, the gameplay is good and it still looks quite good as well (on PC, dunno how it holds up on consoles, though I am playing the "remaster" they re-released) and I actually like the story quite a bit. It's a bit heavy handed at times, but that's fine in the end imo.

I liked the setting, and I think I would have liked the story too had I got further into it... but the gameplay was so fucking soulless.
I can't do the Far Crys / Assassin's Creeds etc. type open world anymore. As soon as it starts to feel even slightly repetitive (which is like outpost #2 in these kinds of games) I get sooo bored.

People complained about Mafia 2's open world being empty... but the rest of the gameplay and missions made up for it... whereas Mafia 3 had more stuff to do... but it was so formulaic and boring.

I agree, but I also enjoyed Mafia 3. It could have been so much more but the shooting mechanics, vehicles and graphics were satisfying enough to pull me along to the end. I think I even got most of the achievements. That isn't to say it wasn't a huge disappointment though. Mafia 1 was one of my favorite games for a while.

It reminds me a bit of Mad Max. Go to location, clear it out, repeat. Yet the world is pretty and different and the combat enjoyable enough that I couldn't put it down after a point until I got all the achievements.

As for this recent news. I am not sure how you make a prequel to three (mostly) different stories.
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Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 6, 2022, 03:42
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 6, 2022, 03:42
May 6, 2022, 03:42
More like incoming turd. It's likely to include many 'hand-holding' antics for console kids and millenials.
None of the current new editions beat the original and M2.
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 6, 2022, 00:56
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 6, 2022, 00:56
May 6, 2022, 00:56
LOC wrote on May 5, 2022, 23:31:
I also recently re-played Mafia 3 and had quite a good time with it. It isn't some masterpiece of the open world genre mind you, but it is well made, the gameplay is good and it still looks quite good as well (on PC, dunno how it holds up on consoles, though I am playing the "remaster" they re-released) and I actually like the story quite a bit. It's a bit heavy handed at times, but that's fine in the end imo.

I liked the setting, and I think I would have liked the story too had I got further into it... but the gameplay was so fucking soulless.
I can't do the Far Crys / Assassin's Creeds etc. type open world anymore. As soon as it starts to feel even slightly repetitive (which is like outpost #2 in these kinds of games) I get sooo bored.

People complained about Mafia 2's open world being empty... but the rest of the gameplay and missions made up for it... whereas Mafia 3 had more stuff to do... but it was so formulaic and boring.
Avatar 17249
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 5, 2022, 23:31
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 5, 2022, 23:31
May 5, 2022, 23:31
I also recently re-played Mafia 3 and had quite a good time with it. It isn't some masterpiece of the open world genre mind you, but it is well made, the gameplay is good and it still looks quite good as well (on PC, dunno how it holds up on consoles, though I am playing the "remaster" they re-released) and I actually like the story quite a bit. It's a bit heavy handed at times, but that's fine in the end imo.
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 5, 2022, 22:51
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 5, 2022, 22:51
May 5, 2022, 22:51
I enjoyed Mafia 3 recently, but that's probably because it's been so goddamned long since a new GTA came out and it scratched that itch pretty well.
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 5, 2022, 22:50
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 5, 2022, 22:50
May 5, 2022, 22:50
Sepharo wrote on May 5, 2022, 22:33:
Let's hope it's more like Mafia 2 and Mafia: Definitive Edition, rather than Mafia 3.

I played about 30 minutes of Mafia 3 and got too motion sick to continue. No idea why it affected me when few (but not zero) other games do.

I gather it's just Generic Openworld Game so I didn't miss much.
Avatar 10439
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development
May 5, 2022, 22:33
Re: Mafia Prequel Reportedly in Development May 5, 2022, 22:33
May 5, 2022, 22:33
Let's hope it's more like Mafia 2 and Mafia: Definitive Edition, rather than Mafia 3.
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