My favorite, and really only, MMO I've played to it's end, took me 9 months of many hours each day, in 2018.
And it has grown since, ha, bought most new addons to play in the future.
Buy it, and you can play perfectly without the monthly plus.
Play a little and buy a horse in any great city stable with ingame gold.
Every day visit a stable and you can upgrade it for free (90 days, etc, give you a super horse with carry bags, stamina and speed).
I loved all the quests archs, and as you progress and easily farm certain places (goggle it), I made so much ingame money I never lacked anything.
The more you level up the more gold rains on you.
Do the fantastic 3 towers merry-go-round, many of them, to easily level up, specially if you use items that provide more experience per kill, as I did.
In the big cities, there are fan shops (goggle it), where you can buy elite armor and weapons with ingame money from other players or sell your stuff.
I did that many times, and even so, I am positively drowning in gold.