update from the development team on the Ubisoft Website has an update on
Watch Dogs: Legion. This expresses pride in the project, but also announces
it will receive no additional updates going forward. Despite this end-of-life
announcement, players will still be able to enjoy new reward tracks in the
open-world hacking game going forward:
TU 5.6 was our final update for
Watch Dogs: Legion. However, you can look forward to reward tracks in the Online
Mode, containing both new and returning rewards. The current season 4 Rebels
track, containing 80 ranks, will run until January 22, 2022, followed by Season
5 Stripes. After that, Seasons 3-5 will continue to cycle and return to the
game, giving you the opportunity to acquire rewards you might have missed out on
in the past. Some rewards to look forward to is a modified version of Aiden
Pearce's jacket, and Jackson's mask and clothing set.