So here is what I know and work arounds for them.
Failure to connect could be 1 of 2 things. 1) A bug with cross play turned on, 2) Some sort of back end server maintence (which they have done quite a bit of today).
Turning off VSync, and also there is a option for Future Frame Rendering, when turned off increases performance by a BUTTLOAD.
AI is mostly braindead (been playing against bots to learn the maps and weapons/vehicles) and Spot (the Ranger ie: Robot Dog) as I call him is all but worthless except as a speed bump (except when calling him in and he's landed up on a tower and just rains bullets down on everything).
Speaking of calling it in, the Comms menu is just a fucking pain in the ass and works 1 in 3 times when holding down the default Q key, gonna see if I can remap it (which I just did and will see if it's better).
Will run through and stream another session later tonight and give another review.