Battlefield 2042 Known Issues

EA Answer HQ is now collecting a list of Known Issues in Battlefield 2042 now that the military shooter sequel is in the hands of some players. This includes details on some updates through Live Service Alerts and an extensive list of items that are already on the radar of things to be fixed. Here's the introduction:
Our teams have worked extremely hard to get Battlefield 2042 into as smooth and rewarding a state as possible, however no launch is ever without its flaws, and you might still encounter some bugs and issues during these first few weeks.

While we will be working throughout to ensure that we continue to resolve the issues that you report to us, we have formed a list of Known Issues below and in some cases, we'll have workarounds listed for you.
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Re: Battlefield 2042 Known Issues
Nov 12, 2021, 19:21
Re: Battlefield 2042 Known Issues Nov 12, 2021, 19:21
Nov 12, 2021, 19:21
So here is what I know and work arounds for them.

Failure to connect could be 1 of 2 things. 1) A bug with cross play turned on, 2) Some sort of back end server maintence (which they have done quite a bit of today).

Turning off VSync, and also there is a option for Future Frame Rendering, when turned off increases performance by a BUTTLOAD.

AI is mostly braindead (been playing against bots to learn the maps and weapons/vehicles) and Spot (the Ranger ie: Robot Dog) as I call him is all but worthless except as a speed bump (except when calling him in and he's landed up on a tower and just rains bullets down on everything).
Speaking of calling it in, the Comms menu is just a fucking pain in the ass and works 1 in 3 times when holding down the default Q key, gonna see if I can remap it (which I just did and will see if it's better).

Will run through and stream another session later tonight and give another review.
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 Re: Battlefield 2042 Known Issues
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