theglaze -> yeah, I didn't even have a game pad or joystick plugged in, but I couldn't fix the random firing issue until I deleted all Gamepad bindings.
I updated my mouse firmware too, that seems to have fixed the 'Unable to Rebind Mice buttons' issue, so now I can at least shoot as infantry.
However, with crossplay on or off, I cannot connect to multiplayer. I'm guessing their servers are just getting hammered right now?
Very annoying playing with bots, because there is no "Just Solo" option, it's Solo/Coop, so the game sometimes waits forever for people to join? Fucking idiotic design. Solo is not the same as Coop, DICE.
I have like 30 people from various Battlefield games in my Origin list, like 2-3 of them currently have BF2042, I wonder if they are getting spammed with "Join Coop with This Guy" messages when I try to run Solo.
I did play around with the choppers a little bit, they seem... different from previous battlefields, definitely more mouse focused with something close to the default key setup. Missiles definitely have a far lower rate of fire than BF4, for example. Hopefully the gunner seat is a beast to make up for the shit firepower the pilot has. I couldn't get the larger missile to lock onto any vehicles at all, so haven't actually shot that yet.
*EDIT* I may just give it a week, almost all of my normal BF teammates didn't even bother buying the pre-order. Wise decision it seems.
*EDIT 2* Okay, I was able to join a few multiplayer conquest large matches, and a hardware match. With Crossplay Off. Seems it's a known bug at the moment, error 2002G or 600P, Failure to load Persistence Data ore something along those lines. You also do not seem to stay on the same server after that map is over. Seems like a shit design that's hammering their servers, but who knows.
Bullet registry seems good, maybe even great. the Attachment system would probably be cool if I had some attachments. I revived my squad mates a bunch in Hardware, even though we had no clue what the fuck was going on, that seems like that could be a fun game mode with a voice commed quartet. Conquest Large... what a cluster fuck. It's as bad as it's ever been, rofl. I got revived once, had my vehicle repaired zero times in 4 matches. Squads immediately all ran off to the 4 corners of the earth. They are really making it apparent that you need to bring your own squad to even get anywhere in the game. Also, you can't currently carry a repair tool AND a rocket launcher, so of course no one has a repair tool. Very stupid design decision, since there are a shitload of vehicles and anti-vehicle seems required.
I don't know yet about this game though; I love the tank movement and mechanics, the tanks are basically the best parts of BF4 and BF3. Unfortunately, good luck getting into a tank from a regular spawn. Most of the vehicles seem pretty awesome, honestly. Although clearly the jeeps have some armor upgrade that I didn't unlock yet, as I was getting sniped and machine gunned in any jeep or hovercraft seat, and could do no machine gun damage to other light vehicles.
Also, very few people defending any flags, of course. No team voice comm as far as I can tell, and of course no public chat, only team, squad and 'party'.
This comment was edited on Nov 13, 2021, 01:39.