EA Revival Plans?

Tom Henderson took another leak on Twitter. The credible source for pre-announcement announcements says Electronic Arts is bringing back another beloved series. The way this is worded leaves it unclear if EA is going to announce this tomorrow, or if he's going to post more about it tomorrow:
New scoop tomorrow - EA is bringing back a game series that fans loved back in the day
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38 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 23:55
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 23:55
Nov 9, 2021, 23:55
Silent Bob wrote on Nov 9, 2021, 10:31:
Skate or Die!
"Ride upon thy skateboard or perish from this earth." - Tonyth Hawkington
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 18:57
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 18:57
Nov 9, 2021, 18:57
Yay, the Ultima series is finally coming back!
Confidence is quiet, insecurity is loud.
Avatar 12787
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 13:24
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 13:24
Nov 9, 2021, 13:24
I've still got my floppy disc and manual for Crusader around here somewhere. My main recollection was that the game was brutally hard, and I never finished it. Even teenage me didn't have time for that.
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 12:58
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 12:58
Nov 9, 2021, 12:58
Quinn wrote on Nov 9, 2021, 12:39:
Why is nobody mentioning Crusader No Remorse? Or isnt that EA? I could've googled before typing this....

Ok checked it. Yeah it's EA. So my bet is on Crusader: No Remorse. Literally was the first title that came to mind for me, somehow. Access denied; Invalid keycard, bitches!

That would be interesting, I loved that series back in the day, but trying to play those games now via GoG... the controls are atrocious and the engine is pretty terrible.

I'd love an updated version, but it may end up seeming pretty simplistic vs modern games.

In general for EA though: well, good, maybe, but how about make something new instead of cashing in on nostalgia?
Avatar 54863
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 12:39
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 12:39
Nov 9, 2021, 12:39
Why is nobody mentioning Crusader No Remorse? Or isnt that EA? I could've googled before typing this....

Ok checked it. Yeah it's EA. So my bet is on Crusader: No Remorse. Literally was the first title that came to mind for me, somehow. Access denied; Invalid keycard, bitches!

Second edit: Oh hi there Cutter! Just read your comment mentioning Crusader ;D

This comment was edited on Nov 9, 2021, 12:57.
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 12:34
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 12:34
Nov 9, 2021, 12:34
JTW wrote on Nov 9, 2021, 10:15:
My thoughts - not wishes - based on what's likely:

Operation Flashpoint, because there are ways to fit it into the current mutliplayer/microtransaction market.

Command & Conquer, as they just 'refreshed' the series in peoples' minds with a remaster (although a strategy game doesn't seem likely.)

My #1 bet:

EA owns System Shock. A live-action System Shock show was just announced last month. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/system-shock-tv-show-in-the-works/1100-6497025/

A new system shock has been in the works for a while now https://otherside-e.com/wp/games/system-shock-3/
Avatar 11122
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 11:22
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 11:22
Nov 9, 2021, 11:22
Avatar 16014
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 10:31
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 10:31
Nov 9, 2021, 10:31
Skate or Die!
Avatar 14180
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 10:15
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 10:15
Nov 9, 2021, 10:15
My thoughts - not wishes - based on what's likely:

Operation Flashpoint, because there are ways to fit it into the current mutliplayer/microtransaction market.

Command & Conquer, as they just 'refreshed' the series in peoples' minds with a remaster (although a strategy game doesn't seem likely.)

My #1 bet:

EA owns System Shock. A live-action System Shock show was just announced last month. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/system-shock-tv-show-in-the-works/1100-6497025/
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 09:46
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 09:46
Nov 9, 2021, 09:46
EUTHANIZE wrote on Nov 9, 2021, 08:03:
I came
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 08:03
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 08:03
Nov 9, 2021, 08:03
Ventura wrote on Nov 8, 2021, 21:34:
Magic Carpet.

Tell me I'm not the only one who wants to see this.

I came here to post this. I'd love to see this game updated.
Avatar 57691
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 06:28
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 06:28
Nov 9, 2021, 06:28
Mythic has always deserved a contemporary follow up.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! - HT
Avatar 57379
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 06:05
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 06:05
Nov 9, 2021, 06:05
Pre F&F-era NFS?
Avatar 55876
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 05:18
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 05:18
Nov 9, 2021, 05:18
Bad Company 3
"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."

- Jim Goad
Avatar 10137
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 04:29
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 04:29
Nov 9, 2021, 04:29
The Half Elf wrote on Nov 8, 2021, 23:06:
Did all of you forget Command and Conquer/Red Alert?

Though I personally loved red alert 2, I'd love to see a new red alert 4 -- red alert 3 wasn't bad, it jist didn't jave the charm of ra2.
Avatar 58887
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 04:27
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 04:27
Nov 9, 2021, 04:27
VaranDragon wrote on Nov 9, 2021, 02:21:
With the movie out, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of Dune RTS game. Although the last few I played were awful, to say the least. The one I liked the most was Dune2000 i think, which was a straight up remake of Dune2 with a few QOL improvements, and better resolutions etc. that kind of thing.

Empire Battle for Dune (or whatever) wasnt a bad game but the interface was too weird and the having to defend captured territories got tedious late game, but otherwise I agree Dune 2000 would be a good game to make a re-release and would be apropos.
Avatar 58887
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 02:21
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 02:21
Nov 9, 2021, 02:21
With the movie out, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of Dune RTS game. Although the last few I played were awful, to say the least. The one I liked the most was Dune2000 i think, which was a straight up remake of Dune2 with a few QOL improvements, and better resolutions etc. that kind of thing.
Avatar 58327
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 01:54
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 01:54
Nov 9, 2021, 01:54
Eye of the Beholder?
The Legend of Kyrandia?
Lands of Lore?
System Shock?
Wings of Glory?
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 01:33
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 01:33
Nov 9, 2021, 01:33
Seal Team? Ultrabots? Road Rash? Desert Strike?
Re: EA Revival Plans?
Nov 9, 2021, 01:32
Re: EA Revival Plans? Nov 9, 2021, 01:32
Nov 9, 2021, 01:32
The Half Elf wrote on Nov 8, 2021, 23:06:
Did all of you forget Command and Conquer/Red Alert?
This was actually my first thought when I read the headline. Who doesn't want more Kane, Tanya, and Kilian Qatar?
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
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38 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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