World War 3 Preorders and Playtest

Publisher MY.GAMES and developer The Farm 51 announce closed beta testing for World War 3, the reworked online military shooter. Everyone who preorders a CBT pack through the official website is entitled to join in on closed testing that will run between November 25th and the launch of the open beta in March, which will mark the game's free-to-play launch. Here's an Announcement Trailer. There are various CBT packs, and we have to give credit where it's due for not making the one that costs five million a pay-to-win dealie:
CBT Packs are available at various pricing tiers, and there is also an extremely limited, prestigious President Pack available to one single buyer. Though it's only available at the high price of $5,000,000, MY.GAMES has committed to working with whomever purchases the pack to create a war film starring the Pack’s proud owner. The buyer will also have a hand in designing a future in-game map based on a real-world location of their choosing. Additionally, they will receive an exclusive in-game avatar and golden weapon-skin.

The Closed Beta Test starts on November 25th, and will feature four maps across two different modes. Players will fight on the battlefields of Berlin, Warsaw, Polyarny, and Moscow, and a range of customization options will also be available, with samples of realistic gear and weapons available for players to adapt their loadout with.
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Oct 13, 2021Oct 13 2021